Dear Yuletide Author Letter

Oct 01, 2012 20:28

EDIT: Author if you're still checking this, I'm so sorry for being late getting a reply back to Elyn. I was out of the country and there was no Internet at the place I was staying. Future fic is fine. By no AUs I meant space operas or wild west or everyone's a pirate story. I'll be around until the end of Yuletide now so if you have any further questions you need Elyn to ask, go ahead I can get back to her.

Dear Author:

Thank you in advance for taking the time to write me a fic. I'm fairly easy going and am bound to love whatever you write. I love all four of these fandoms and am excited for a fic in any of them. The fandoms were listed in alpha order so don't panic if you matched on the last one. :)

Any rating is fine. I like humour, fluff, angst and pretty much everything else. I prefer something without sex but if you do include it, please keep it on the vanilla side of things.

An important thing to me is making sure the characters stay IC. If someone is a sweetheart in canon, I like them to be like that in the fic. If someone is canonly a dick, I want them to remain a dick. Happy endings are also something I adore.

Please, no character deaths, rape, character bashing, AUs, crossovers and genderswap. (I have nothing against some of these things, I just don't feel like them right now).

The Fandoms

Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes
Characters: Janet Van Dyne, Carol Danvers, Amora (The Enchantress)
Prompt: You don't have to use everyone unless you want too. I was thinking of a 'girls day off' type story. Like perhaps Jan thinks Carol has been too busy lately between the Avengers and S.W.O.R.D so she drags Carol out to have some free time together but B-level villains keep interrupting them. Or perhaps the Enchantress decides to experience the city in an attempt to figure out why Thor likes Earth so much (to win his love) but she ends up seeing Thor and Jane together which causes her to go crazy and makes her want to destroy the place.

This show is a recent love of mine (unfortunately it means you can't snoop around my LJ for more info since I haven't used it most of the year). I love the humour in it and just how awesome it all is. I really can't pick out a favourite moment from the series since there are so many too choose from.

If you decide to use Jan, please keep keep the Hank references to a minimum. I'm not crazy about Hank but I understand he's important to Jan so I don't mind if he's mentioned but please don't make the fic all about their relationship.

If you need too, you can use any additional characters from the series to make the story work.

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Ludwig Kakumei
Characters: Ludwig, Wilhelm, Lisette
Prompt: I would like fic involving a fairy tale not seen in the series. Something like 'Beauty and the Beast' or 'the Little Mermaid' or something else of your own choosing.

A story focusing on Lisette would also be great. Maybe she's on a job or stalking Wilhelm or something. If you choose the Lisette route you don't have to include the others, she would be the only requirement.

I love this series. Every few years I re-read it and it never gets boring. I would be really happy with either story so don't feel like you have to go with the first option (it was just the first one that popped in my head).

My OTP of the series is Lui/Friederike so it would be nice if there was a brief reference to it but it's not required. Lui's not the type to dwell on her death so it doesn't have to be a long moment if you do include it.

Use whatever other characters you need to make the story work. Dorothea, Hansel and Gretel are personal favourites of mine but if they're not working out that's fine. Lui and Wilhelm are the only requirements with the one option. I love their interactions with each other. I don't ship them though, so I prefer gen.

And Lisette is the only requirement for option #2. I love how badass she but I was always a bit disappointed how there wasn't more of her. With this option you're free to be creative since anything involving her would be awesome.

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Skip Beat!
Characters: Mogami Kyoko, Tsuruga Ren
Prompt: I was thinking of something like Kyoko as 'Setsu' is out around the city for some reason (like picking up things like Setsu or Cain needs) and comes across someone she knows with hilarious results. Ren or Sho would be my personal preferences. Ren because Kyoko would be mortified afterwards and beg Ren for forgiveness. Sho because Kyoko would take delight in tormenting Sho as Setsu.

Alternatively a story where Kyoko gets forced out on a date with Ren would be great too. Like maybe she gets tricked into it and Ren has fun teasing her.

I love the humour of this series. I love the Heel sibling plot. The designs of both 'Setsu' and 'Cain' are really cool and I love how badass they both act while at the same time they only have each other to rely on. I'm bit of a sucker for a brother and sister being awesome together.

One of things that really frustrates me with Skip Beat though is how long it's taking to for Kyoko and Ren to become an item. So if you want to do a fic that advances that (like the date prompt) that would cool too.

Use whatever additional characters you need to make the story work.

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Wild Adapter
Characters: Kubota Makoto, Tokito Minoru
Prompt: I'd like something where Tokito is troubled by memories (like dreams are bothering him, or something happens while on a job that causes him to remember something) and Kubota is the only one who is able to get through to him.

An Araiso Executive Committee fic would also be good. Maybe something like despite all the joke and everyone thinking they're together Tokito and Kubota are not. Tokito eventually comes to the realization he's in love with Kubota but doesn't want to admit it which causes issues between them. Eventually it's revealed Kubota loved Tokito all along.

I like the Us vs the World thing that Tokito and Kubota have going on. Each other are really the only thing they care about and I just love it. Some of my favourite parts of the story is when Kubota goes crazy when Tokito gets kidnapped and kills everyone. There's also a scene that I love where Tokito's hand is hurting him in the shower and the only thing that calms him down is Kubota's presence outside the shower is the only thing that calms him down.

I also really enjoy Executive Committee so a fic involving that would be great. I love the crazy humour of it.

Use whatever characters you need to make the story work.


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