The Beginning of the End of LJ?

Dec 21, 2011 02:23

Probably not, but they certainly are trying hard.

Honestly, besides reading my flist (and even then I scroll by the comms I have friended), the only thing I do anymore on LJ is participate in anon and kink memes. I have a feeling that both are going to flee LJ unless LJ makes some changes very soon. Because the new comments page LJ rolled out? Is pretty useless when it comes to anon/kink memes.

The lack of subject lines make things difficult to track threads. The paperbag icon that appears with anonymous posts is creepy (the second thing I did after switching my LJ from the default comments page to my style was adblock those creepy things). And it's much easier to accidentally not post anonymously (good thing anything I post is things I would say with my name attached).

Anon/Kink memes aside, I really doubt if I'll be able to use my phone to browse LJ anymore (which I've been doing a lot lately since I've been lazy). The new design doesn't look mobile friendly, although I admit I haven't tested it yet.

The fact LJ is proud the new design was only in beta for a week shows how unprofessional they are. Gmail was in beta for 6 years and AO3 just finished it's second year of beta (you know you suck when a fan run organization is better then your "professional" company).

lj sucks

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