Harry Potter

Jul 17, 2011 16:11

I saw the final movie today. I thought it was the best one, even though DH isn't my favourite book. The movie is just non-stop from start to finish.

I was a bit disappointed that Neville killing Nagini wasn't as awesome as it was in the book. I liked it better the way the book did it by having the Sorting Hat be lit on fire and Neville getting caught in Voldemort's curse.

"NOT MY DAUGHTER YOU BITCH!" was also better in the book. It didn't seem like Ginny was in any danger in movie and Molly didn't act enough like a Mama Bear.

I did however like that Neville and Luna got together in the movie. I never liked the fact that JKR had them marry other people in the book. They're perfect together.

I also liked how Narcissa grabbed Draco and led him away during the final part of the battle with Lucius helplessly following them. We definitely know who's in charge of that family now.

Loved the epilogue. I never understood why the epilogue got so much hate. I like knowing that after everything that happened, everything that Voldemort did, things went back to normal and that the kids didn't have to grow up in a war-torn society.

harry potter

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