I meant to post about this the other day...

Jul 23, 2010 02:55

But I forgot because of the Avatar news.

I saw the new Christopher Nolan movie, 'Inception', the other day.

It was a good movie. Nothing great, but in a summer full of bad movies it didn't make me want to demand by money back afterwards.

But there was one problem that with the movie that occurs in a lot of Nolan's movies; a lack of women.

There's a grand total of two female characters in this film. Without going into details (because I don't want to spoil anything), there's a six member team in the film and their target, which brings things up to seven people. Of these seven people, only one is female.

Don't get me wrong, I liked the female character that was a part of the group, she was the only one with any type of common sense in the film; and even though the male actors did a good job, I couldn't help but think that some of those roles could have been played by women.

I like Nolan's work, I just wish that he would include more female characters, especially female characters who are not love interests.

Anyway, I'm not holding by breath for a female villain for the next Batman movie.

This entry was originally posted at http://rekall.dreamwidth.org/2866.html.


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