
Aug 18, 2009 22:37

It's been hot here recently and since it's been too hot to do anything else (seriously, I hate the heat) I decided to try some "new" (meaning it's new to me and probably not anyone else) series.

Crimson Shell
I found this series accidentally. I thought it said Crimson Spell when I saw it on Mangafox and was happy thinking that someone had reposted it to the site. So I clicked on it thinking it would be the fantasy yaoi story and instead found a girl main character looking a lot like Alice from Pandora Hearts (turns out it's the same manga-ka).

I liked the story, it's about an organization with special powers who fights an evil organization with special powers, but I thought it was too short. There's different interesting characters that are introduced but you really don't learn enough about them. I really would have liked to have seen characters like Robin, Lace and Melissa fleshed out more.

And I also found the ending to be pretty weak due to that it had to end so quickly. Xeno's and Zion's bodies are missing and Claudia is in a coma. That's not a satisfying ending to me because it leaves too many questions.

So yeah, I thought it was too short. I hope that one day Mochizuki Jun does a sequel because I want more.

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I'm not really sure what to say about Karneval. I liked it. I liked a lot about it; the art is good, the characters are adorable and it has an interesting plot. I just don't know what to say about it.

It's about a boy named Nai who is trying to find a friend of his named Karoku. While on his journey to find Karoku he meets a thief called Gareki who takes care of him. Eventually the two join up with Circus, an organization that hunts criminals and they've agreed to help Nai find Karoku (Nai has a Circus ID that he claims belonged to Karoku but they have no record of a Karoku in their organization so they have in interest in finding him too).

I have a feeling though that there's going to be a lot of angst towards Nai in the future, which I'm not looking forward too. He's so adorable with how innocent he is and I foresee that things are going to be bad when he finds Karoku. He and Gareki need to runaway and be happy together.

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1/2 Prince
Technically it's not a manga since it's not from Japan (it's from Taiwan) but I'm including it anyway since I don't want to make another post.

1/2 Prince is set in the future and is about a new MMORPG called 'Second Life'. The main character is Feng Lan, her dick of a brother mouths off at the beginning of the series saying that girls have it so easy in MMORPGs since guys are always willing to help them out and they always pick classes where all they have to do is stand in the back and cast spells or heal. Because of this Feng Lan wants to play as a male warrior, which normally isn't allowed since players are suppose to play their own gender (why? I do not know, it's never explained) but since Feng Lan is the first person ever to login to the game, the creators grant her the wish and Feng Lan becomes an elf warrior called 'Prince'. As Prince, Feng Lan becomes one of the most feared players in the game and gains a lot of fans. The series follows Feng Lan's success in the game as well as her issues outside of it as many people she knows in-game are people she also knows from her real life and she wants to keep it a secret from them that she is Prince.

I like this story, Second Life reminds me a lot of Final Fantasy XI and it's really just about a group of friends having fun to together. There's a lot of crack in it and it's a pretty light series which is good because it's a nice change of pace from stuff that I normally read.

It makes me wish that Second Life was real since I want to login and join them in their adventures.

Currently I'm trying to read 07-Ghost but I'm having trouble getting into it. The plot is okay, but it has a type of art that I hate in that a lot of characters look alike, which makes it troublesome telling certain characters apart. I like it better when each character has a distinct look.


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