xxxHolic and TRC

Aug 04, 2009 02:33

Personally between Holic and Tsubasa, I like Holic better. But there is one thing that I think is better in TRC; and that is, whenever someone is being stupid, there's always Kurogane around to either A)smack them or B)tell them that they're being an idiot and that they should shape up!

Kurogane! Your grandson is being stupid! Go talk some sense into him! No one in the Holic world is going to do it since Yuuko is dead, Doumeki is too busy being an emo, and both Himawari and Kohane are too sweet!

So yeah, Watanuki was really bugging me during this chapter. He's only thinking about himself and is forgetting about those he was able to help outside the shop (like Kohane, she didn't have a wish, and thus no reason to visit the shop, until Watanuki saved her from her mother). He's giving up his life, giving up people who care about him, all because he wants to see Yuuko again (you can see ghosts you moron, just go looking for her like Subaru was doing with Hokuto at the end of TB).

I just can't help but think that Yuuko, Syaoran and his parents would be disappointed if they knew what choice he made.

As for TRC, as crazy as it might sound, I actually felt bad for FWR during this chapter. He just seems so... desperate. That certainly doesn't excuse what he did to the Sakuras, the Syaorans, Kurogane and Fay but yeah I felt sorry for him since he was just trying to save Yuuko but instead his actions lead to her completely being gone. If he didn't meddle in things she would at least still be alive in her stopped-time state.

And it was nice seeing Kurogane, Fay and Mokona again. Especially Kurogane. He's the only one with any common sense in the entire series.

tsubasa: rc, watanuki is an idiot, clamp, xxxholic

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