Life's most addicting game...

Mar 16, 2009 00:49

I want to create a new character in WoW (my rogue needs to go to the Outlands which I don't want to do right now and I'm busy trying to get this pet on my hunter which will probably take a while). But I don't know if I should pick a mage, a paladin or a priest ( Read more... )


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ceasefire March 16 2009, 05:51:51 UTC
Sometimes I think I'm the only Hunter who doesn't give a rats about the Spirit Beast... XD

At the moment I'm levelling my Boomkin, Nowaki, and she's levelling veeeeery fast. She's a bit of a glass cannon though; kills quick but also dies quick. Might be a bit slow before you get Moonkin form tho.

I also have a level 60 Warlock (Viletta) but she's Affliction, and I can't say it's the easiest build to level with.


rekallthegreat March 16 2009, 20:56:21 UTC
I think you probably are, lol. I keep flying around, looking for him and see all these other hunters.

I've only played as a feral druid. It's fun, you get to run around as a cat. They're easy to level too (at least once you get cat form) since if you're losing a lot of HP you can just pop up and heal yourself before shifting back into a cat. I've been wanting to try a Boomkin though since I think they look cool.

My warlock was Affliction as well. I liked it so if I get another 'lock it would probably be Affliction again.


ceasefire March 17 2009, 00:09:41 UTC
I'm Survival. I love Survival and its insane damage too much to be BM.

I love my Boomkin ♥ They are awesome fun. My neighbour plays a Tree Druid too, and he really loves it. Druids are awesome, period, once they get to high levels. XD

I do like Affliction for instances, but I don't really like it for levelling. And even in instances it generates a ridiculously high amount of threat.

As for pallies, I've never played one past Level 9. I have a Level 60 SPriest on another account and she is fun to play. And ym boyfriend has a level 80 arcane mage that he loves. XD All the classes can be awesome!


rekallthegreat March 17 2009, 02:01:33 UTC
Survival always seemed interesting. When Blizzard made us re-do our talents in late 2008, I almost went into Survival until I saw that there were new pets that you could only get with BM.

I eventually want to play all the classes since so many classes seem fun and interesting to play. Warrior is really the only class I'm not interested in since I don't like tanking.


ceasefire March 17 2009, 02:03:38 UTC
... my boyfriend's a Fury Warrior who does massive DPS. XD


bnomiko March 17 2009, 00:33:40 UTC
There is a single reason for Boomkins IMO... obscene dancing on IF bridge >


rekallthegreat March 17 2009, 01:52:19 UTC
Hmm... I still have a NE druid. A quick respec and I can shake my furry ass in IF. ^_^


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