Life's most addicting game...

Mar 16, 2009 00:49

I want to create a new character in WoW (my rogue needs to go to the Outlands which I don't want to do right now and I'm busy trying to get this pet on my hunter which will probably take a while). But I don't know if I should pick a mage, a paladin or a priest.

I need something that I can easily solo with. I know paladins are good at soloing since my brother plays one and in his words: "Pallys don't die". According to my guild, priests are also easy to level (the first few to 80 were priests and I would have easy access to advice while playing). But I really want to try a mage. They can shoot fire balls! And they have slow fall! (which sadly, I could get a lot of use out of since I have issues with goofing around on the edge of cliffs)

Too many choices! Although I guess it doesn't matter since whatever I don't choose will be picked in a few months.

(maybe I should go with a warlock since I really like that class and I don't have to worry anymore about a long and hard quest to get the mount)


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