Avatar, Book Two

Aug 12, 2008 04:12

Just finished off season two of Avatar.

Overall I liked this season better than the first. Don't get me wrong, I liked the first season but I found that a lot of the episodes followed the same format of:

-the gang makes a pit stop somewhere
-something happens to stall them during the pit stop
-Zuko shows up to cause trouble
-Zuko gets defeated
-the gang continues on their journey to the North Pole

So it was nice to see that the second season changed things up a bit.

My favourite episode was probably 'Zuko Alone' since it was nice seeing his past (oh Azula you always were a bit crazy &hearts ). I'm not sure why they decided to separate Zuko and Iroh for one episode though. It seemed unnecessary to separate them if they were going to be reunited so soon.

Other favourite episodes were 'The Chase' since it had Zuko and Aang teaming up against Azula and then had everyone else join into the fight; 'Appa's Lost Days' for making me cry; and 'Lake Laogai'.

Jet's death made me laugh (I know, I'm bad). Simply because characters get smacked around by stone all the time without injury and such a minor attack killed Jet. I didn't care one way or the other for Jet. I felt he was a selfish jerk (especially since he so quickly returned to his old ways after vowing to change) but it made sense why he would be like that.

Zuko being happy at the tea shop towards the end of the season was kinda scary. It was freaky seeing him being something else besides a mopey emo. Unlike Jet I didn't mind that he went back to his old ways since I know how it turns out. His hair though, lol, a day goes by and it'd be a few inches longer. I'm surprised that his hair wasn't down to his waist by the time the series ended since it grows so ridiculously fast.

If possible this season made me love Mai even more. She doesn't show up much but she has some great scenes with her dry humour which always cracks me up. She's equally awesome in that comic that takes place between seasons.

Aang. Poor kid, I always end up feeling so bad for him, like when he lost Appa. I don't agree with him taking his anger out on everyone since it wasn't their fault but it was pretty heartbreaking. And poor Momo, he missed Appa so much. Like that episode where everyone got their own story, Momo's story was so sad the way he tried looking for Appa. Then the Appa episode after that was even more sad since he missed Aang so much and was trying so hard to find him.

Sigh, one more season to go.


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