Oh fudge

Jun 27, 2008 01:15

I had forgotten that I was suppose to write a fic for dimension_shop and it's due in two days. Oops. Oh well I always was one who worked well under pressure.

I blame Klavier Gavin from the Apollo Justice game. He's been fascinating me lately. I love how he has a duel life, one as a top-notch prosecutor in the law field and the other as a rock and roll sex god. I've always loved characters like that.

I still have to do the last case of Apollo Justice. I stalled my way through Case #3 because I was enjoying it so much. Ha ha, Klavier becomes so prissy when things don't go his way. I cracked up whenever he'd mention his bad day early on in the case (heh, I'm so mean).

video games, fic exchanges

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