Better Late than never!

Mar 22, 2008 04:08

Just today I realized that because of everything (mainly Dexter, gets more blood work done on Monday) going on , I forgot to give my final impression on Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations!

Despite having some massive love for Franziska von Karma, I enjoyed this game more than JFA. I really liked how the majority of this plot revolved around Mia, Diego Armando/Godot and Dahlia (three of my favourite characters). Even the cases that didn't involve their story, I liked better than the ones in the 2nd game. A plot was one thing I felt lacking from JFA since your "plot" in it is basically Franziska's desire for revenge and they don't really do a good job in going into much detail. In this one though, I really liked how 3 of the 5 cases were connected and I liked how it brought in parts of the story from the 2nd game (the stuff invovling the Fey case in JFA). I found that everything flowed better in T&T than in JFA.

Between the two games I played, the last case in T&T is definitely my favourite. I really enjoyed every part of that case. Playing as Edgeworth was so much fun (and it was hilarious how they introduced him by having Larry place a frantic phone-call to him in the middle of the night, lol) and I also really liked the part when Franziska (Gumshoe's reaction to seeing her again was so great, lol) was "helping" Phoenix with the investigation.

IMHO Dahlia is the perfect villain, I liked taking her on in court especially when playing as Mia (playing as her is another aspect of the game I loved). It's fun having two strong women go at it like that, trying to outsmart/outdo the other.

The only part of the game that I really didn't like was the case involving Maggey. I don't like how she was treating Gumshoe. She use to be a cop, she should know he can't lie under oath. It wasn't his fault and still she was a bitch to him. After the way she treated him, I really can't stand her anymore.

All-in-all, it was a really great game.

For now though, I think I'll take a break from the series unless I find the 1st game somewhere. I don't have much of a desire to play Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney right now (although that will probably change in the future). I really don't mind that they brought in a new cast, I just wish they hadn't brought in such a young cast (Apollo looks like a High Schooler and Trucy looks about 12). I need some time to get use to it.

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