I'm still here (I got the nudge, lol)

Mar 18, 2008 13:35

I just haven't been posting/commenting lately since I've been going through a period of 'blahhhhh'.

I think winter is finally getting to me since it's longer and worst than normal. Outside looks more like January than March and this has been going on since early November. It gets depressing especially since we already know another storm is coming. (and to think the stupid groundhog said we'd have a short winter!)

I'm feeling better now though since in 1 1/2 months is "should" be warm enough for most of this to go away. We get snow in May too but at least then it's typically warm enough that it doesn't stick around long.

I swear the worst thing about this country is the weather, you go from -40C in the winter to 40C in the summer. 40C is the worst since by the time you get use to it, it's starting to get cold again. We need like super jet rockets and attach them to the top of North America to shove the entire continent down a few degrees to the south. That way the winter will be shorter and not as cold and the summer will be longer so by the time you get use to the hot weather you don't have to start thinking about getting out warmer clothes and snow shovels. (plus I'd actually see this season called 'Spring' for once!)

To the people who I owe fics too, they're still coming. I found it really difficult trying to write during this recent period and even the stuff I did come up with wasn't as good as normal. I haven't forgotten though.
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