Wow a complete and utter FAIL on my part

Oct 19, 2007 04:45

I have looked at this picture many times before:

Yet never once realized how close Kamui's hand is Fuuma's crotch! His hand is just resting there so close!

The reason why I never noticed before is because this is the version I'm use too:

Ack! Ugly, distracting white line!

But the white line version is the super HQ that's in the zip file of Infinity where it's even more obvious of where Kamui's hand is when you set the picture at the normal size! (seriously if you've never seen the Infinity artbook, the pictures are fucking huge in it!)

Damn, now I want to go over the rest of my X picture but it's 5am!

Oh yeah, Fuck you CLAMP for leaving X hanging! *sobs*

x, clamp

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