Fic exchanges

Oct 18, 2007 22:54

As much as I complain about fic exchanges I really do like them. Having a deadline keeps me writing on a normal schedule and I like writing fics for people.

I'm about half-way through my dimension_shop fic right now. I wanted to be finished by this point but the lack of computer put me behind. Boo.

And now I find out that the Yuletide assignments will be going out tonight/tomorrow. Ack! *panics*

I wasn't really worried too much about my dimension_shop assignment before I got it since I know CLAMP series so well and I was watching the sign-ups closely and saw no one was really requesting anything too difficult. But with Yuletide I signed up for more than CLAMP fandoms and have no clue what type of assignment I'm going to get. I have visions of only knowing one of the four fandoms (we could only pick four fandoms to be written about) and it being completely something I can't do.

Ack, I'm going to be checking my mail every five minutes now waiting for my Yuletide assignment.

fic exchanges

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