Mar 13, 2008 13:16
I'm at work, and I should probably work on ex rentals or clean discs or something, but I'm currently trying to do one of my Write Fiction assignments. The first part is to write a complete synopsis of the story we're going to write, which is tough, since I never know where I'm going with a story and I can't think of these things too far ahead. I'm surprised my fanfiction wasn't a complete mess, just a bit uneven. Sigh. I'm plodding along, but planning plot twists and a climactic ending have never been my forte.
Karah came over last night, and we had a chat and watched an episode of Green Wing. I'm glad we're catching up more frequently. She's sorting out her issues, and things seem to be looking up for her, so that's good. I hate seeing her unhappy, plus I don't think I'm best advice giver in the world, although I've been told I'm a good listener. Maybe all I have to do is listen and not speak, and things will right themselves lol.
I blasted a website in an email today. I ordered Cannibal the Musical back in August, and they charged my dad's credit card so I assumed it wouldn't take too long. Six months later and the order is still 'pending'. Not happy. So I sent them an angry email, something along the lines of - "This is theft! I want my DVD, or I want my money back. End of discussion." Yeah, bad ass email :P So we'll see what eventuates; I'd prefer to have the DVD though. Great movie.
Back to the TAFE stuff. While I enjoy the classes like usual, and I feel like I'm learning a lot, for some reason I'm struggling to apply it to my assignments. I couldn't possibly be getting dumber, could I? Jebus.