And here we go

Jun 07, 2011 13:10

CHARACTERS: Harry Dresden and anybody who shows up. Anybody welcome to say hi and/or add to Harry's undoubtedly soon-to-be too full plate of troubles.
LOCATION/SETTING: Harry's office.
DATE & TIME: June 7th.
WARNINGS: Computer neglect. Bad jokes. Leather dusters are cool.
SUMMARY: Harry attempts to settle into his new office and job. Surely this will be a relaxing day at the Academy.

Okay, this was pretty cool.

Harry let the door to his office close behind him and took a moment to look around. It was pretty simple: four walls, ceiling floor, a desk and a few chairs on both sides but damnit, he'd never had his own office before. Crossing the room, he left his backpack rest on the floor beside his desk and shrugged off his black leather duster to hang it up on a coat rack placed conveniently nearby and sat down to stare dubiously at the computer sitting on his desk.

Having grown up back in the early days of the PC and then spending most of his later teenage and college years living on a farm, Harry had largely missed the advent of the internet age. He'd given it his best shot but after computers started telling him how "such and such performed an illegal operation and must shut down" he'd quickly defaulted back to good old paper and pencil, which had the wonderful feature of not talking back. So, after conducting the one computer skill he'd mastered by necessity and checking his E-mail Harry shoved this computer to a corner of the desk and, not finding anywhere else convenient for them, tossed the keyboard and mouse into a spare drawer.

With the electronic fiend vanquished, Harry turned to read over the actual paper student files he'd managed to procure and sat back in his chair. Time to see what this day would bring.

harry dresden

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