( closed ) we used to laugh ‘til we cry

Jun 07, 2011 16:14

CHARACTERS: Sverre (mythicalism ) and Eiríkur (linefaceism )
LOCATION/SETTING: The docks and possibly ends up at the South Quad.
DATE & TIME: Backdated to Saturday, June 4th.
WARNINGS: …brotherly trolling?
SUMMARY: Eiríkur arrived at the island. Sverre goes to pick him up at the docks. It’s been a while since they see each other in person, so a reunion and some brotherly bonding times will ensue.

It was a pleasant ride. The sea was fairly calm, the sky was clear, and the other passengers were content to leave Eiríkur alone with his thoughts. Still, he couldn’t help but wonder - and worrying - about the Academy. He’s going there for the next couple of years, after all, and he’s going to live on the island too - it’s going to be a real living hell if he doesn’t adapt well. Of course, he could always transfer somewhere else if it didn’t suit him, but it’d be a waste of his parents’ money and spending money in vain is something him and the rest of the family was trying to avoid nowadays. Besides, he’s not the type to escape from school problems. He’s been through it before, and he’s pretty sure that he could live through it if it happens again. But obviously, it’s better if he could prevent it from happening altogether.

Which is easier said than done, since he’s not exactly the type of teenager who’d immediately garner a lot of friends (or at least some) and mix in effortlessly. He’s going to have some difficulty adjusting with Reims, that’s for sure. This isn’t a very nice thought, and he found himself tapping his fingers on the nearest hard surface anxiously. Once he realised what he’s been doing, he refrained from doing so and leaned back on his seat, trying to make himself feel less nervous. It’s not really working, since his thoughts just keeps running back to his worries. What if nobody wanted to be his friend because they’re all snotty, rich little jerks? It’s a silly thing to be worried about, and he would never, ever admit to anyone that it ever crossed his mind, but he just can’t help it. Oh, well, he’s just going to play it cool, it’s not like he’s dirt poor anyway.

The last time he's transferring, it doesn’t really end well.

But it was a long time ago, when he was still a child, and he’s trying to convince himself that this time, things would end differently. He was the one who chose Reims, anyway, and even though it still annoys him, the fact that his brother was there managed to console him to some degree. Not that he’d ever admit it. A couple of days before his departure from home, Sverre had briefed him about his new school. Thankfully, nothing sounds particularly nasty or terrifying to Eiríkur. Except for the rumours, but his brother didn't mention anything about it. His train of thought was cut short by the sound of his mobile phone, and he quickly pulled said device out from his pocket, not wanting to attract any unwanted attention from the other passengers. There’s a new text message, and it’s from his older brother.

The message brings some relief to him, and after replying (also setting the phone to silent mode), he stuffed his cellphone back into his pocket. Not long after, the ferry arrived at the island, and the platinum blond stepped out, suitcase in hand. Of course, he can’t help but glanced around, inspecting the new surroundings and looking for his older brother. It shouldn’t be hard for Sverre to spot him.

eiríkur evenson, sverre evenson

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