CHARACTERS: Sheryl Nome and you!
LOCATION/SETTING: Humanities building, empty music room (well, not empty because Sheryl is there BUT YOU GET THE POINT)
DATE & TIME 06 June, after class
SUMMARY: Sheryl heads to the music room to practice singing. There really isn't much to that, but you may hear her, and you may just discover that she's that Fairy you've been hearing on the radio.
[It was an old building, so people weren't really attracted to it. There were some students who stayed behind after class, mainly taking care of some club requirements. Sheryl wasn't. She stayed behind to practice, and use the facilities.
She made her way to an unused music room, and sat in front of the piano. She knew how to play, but she didn't. Not right now, at least.
Then she started
singing a song. It was one of hers. Vocal practice, that's all that it was. It was strange, just singing it without instruments backing her up. A capella was really weird, but it gave her music more soul, for some reason.
Whoever could overhear her singing might just think that she has an awesome voice. That's true, after all. Who wouldn't be a bit popular world-wide without talent? Her song just feels a little empty though. Strange, huh?]
ENGLISH g;lkjadg))