Hello everyone~
Recently I've been attending school everyday.
Yes, that's right, everyday.
You ask why? Well, the administrators think that it'll be alright to take our only day off, which is during Sundays, to do some practices and inspections and the like. We're all like, "what the heck?!". But, even if it were preposterous, there's nothing that can be done, we just oblige. Maybe that's one of the reasons why I
translated Hey! Say! JUMP's homeworks on Shougaku Roku Nen Sei magazine, it talks about school works (and the fact that I really love and miss JUMP XD)
With aching muscles, physical & mental tiredness, and flaring tempers and weather I really craved for a bucket cup of ice cream. How 'bout you people? How's the world treating you?
I also kept bugging my brother to buy me some Archie's comics 'cause I need to get my mind off things and I wanted to read something other than a novel and a manga. But that's another story...
Also, I've recently noticed that people only comments on my download/translation posts. I kept wondering if I should just make a community to put all of those since people kept getting less interested to what I actually put here. Maybe its my fault since I barely post anything asides from downloads/translations but I just don't have enough time to actually put something. Now, me thinks that I should just stop/lessen sharing downloads/translations. What do you think? Will I be stoned to death or tortured? XP
Oh, and could anyone give me some advise? I really want the current HSJ con t-shirt but my usual seller wasn't able to get one and I'm pondering whether I should order it from someone else or not. Its a bit costly than the other so I'm having second thoughts. I really don't know what to do!