I've been remiss in my lj updating, but that's because nothing noteworthy happens.
I can tell you about what was going on in the basement yesterday. Well, what was going on before I got home, anyway.
So our dryer is occasionally unreliable in that sometimes after you start it, it'll dry for like 20 minutes and stop, so you have to go put another dollar in that bitch to get the job done. It's been like this for months. I'm not TOO put out because my landlady keeps a little sign-up sheet out so you can document when it happens to you for a refund. Around June I got a check for 8 bucks. At the time I was hoping that the problem had thus been solved, but I was wrong, because the dryer and it's sign-up sheet stuck around.
Yesterday I came home and as I walked into the basement I saw the dryer sitting like 3-4 feet from the wall, unattached to the metal tubing vent thing. Also this tall cabinet that the Chinese family that used to live upstairs and used for their shoe cabinet and had been relocated to the basement as a storage place for what I think is the landlady's soap was pulled way away from the wall for what looks like dryer positioning purposes. AND, my neighbor's door was wide open.
My neighbor has two ways to access her apartment: the main door that I use which is at the front of the building on the first floor, and her private entrance that leads to backyard area.
First I was like "why does this dryer look totally different?" until I realized it was actually a new dryer. Except here "new" means "different," because this dryer looked OLDER than the previous one, and didn't even have settings like "delicates," instead having three temperature settings. It's not my job to know what temp things should be dried at! Just whether or not they're like, made out of linen!
Anyway I shrugged that off as no biggie and instead sort of leaned toward my neighbor's open door looking for signs of life. I was wondering whether I had come home mid-installation, and was busy thinking of a reason for why both the neighbor's door would be wide open and the dryer just hanging out in the middle of the basement. The best conclusion I had was that it was easier to move the dryers in and out of the building through her apartment, and something came up and whoever was installing the dryer bounced and left the neighbor's door open. So I was like "whatever, when she gets home she'll deal with her open door." We live in a five unit building, and with the dryer out of commission, I'm the only person down here, so I wasn't concerned about her being robbed or anything.
When I left for work this morning everything was exactly how it was when I got home the evening before, though I did notice by the foyer door a brand new vent thing for the dryer.
When I got home tonight, the dryer had gotten substantially closer to the wall but still wasn't connected, the ersatz soap closet was in the same place, and my neighbor's door was still open, thereby confirming my hypothesis that she's never actually at home. I think she moved in in like, June? and I've only ever heard any signs of life over there about half a dozen times. Better for me because it means I don't have to worry about neighborly noise, but odd all the same.
So I've slacked terribly on my duties to bring you the updates of the Stranger's French Intern. Most of what he's written so far has been reviews of Seattle's French bakeries. I dig them, but Corey thinks they're awful but he's an idiot.
The J'ai Test Pour Vous Series:
La Boulangerie NantaiseLe FournilBakery NouveauLa BoulangerieBelle Epicurean This one time he went to see a show:
Conceptuel: The French Project And on the recent French shenanigans:
Roma and Burqas: Out(laws)! Lakmé Fashion Week- Fashion in India. Beautiful, colorful saris everywhere. The designers I liked were Anupamaa and Satya Paul.
Almost all of our moms, really.
I like this.
And I will admit this made me laugh a little.