(no subject)

Jan 09, 2006 07:23

Me, Kyle, and Allie saw King Kong. I liked it a lot. Omg Adrien Brody. Hiding his sexy voice from me like that. Hehe. Doing an impression of him is a two person job. One to mimic the big nose, the other to push your nose slightly to the left. Peter Jackson should get a letter from me about the bug scenes and the Empire state building scenes. But I’m too lazy for it. but yeah, me and allie did much recoiling during the bug scenes, cuz they were just huge and everywhere, ugh. And then I have height issues, so I spent most of the empire state scenes with my hands at my mouth, hood covering half my vision, not looking directly at the screen and constantly thinking "they’re gonna fall. Get away from the edge. Don’t do that, you’ll fall." And don’t think peter Jackson didn’t take every opportunity to remind you "hey, they’re really fucking high up in the air." Which actually gave me a little of the whole "I’m too high up" anxiety that I get when I’m on roller coasters.

Dear Peter Jackson,

Your movies are too long. 3 hours and 13 minutes for King Kong? Give me a fuckin’ break. That story only needs to be 20 minutes.

Man, those were some creepy ass natives, though. Good job with that. And I’ll encourage any movie with HoYay between a seadog type and a Chinese guy, not to mention the "loved him like whoa" bond between the black guy and jimmy. Does peter Jackson have something to tell us?

Joey listens to counting crows now. It just doesn’t fit. I have yet to figure out who introduced them to him or his attraction to them.

Quote break:
mikirichan: the power of sakito
reiaiko: sekkushi powaa

this is supposed to be a list of like the best/ most significant sci-fi movies or whatever, and you bold the ones you've seen, italicize the ones you want to see, and i guess strike through the ones you don't want to see, or something. i don't know. i did this way too long ago to remember why i striked through the incredibles.

The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension!
Back to the Future
Blade Runner
Bride of Frankenstein
Brother From Another Planet
A Clockwork Orange
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
The Damned
Destination Moon
The Day The Earth Stood Still
Escape From New York
ET: The Extraterrestrial- i wanna say i saw this as a kid, but i'm not sure
Flash Gordon: Space Soldiers serial
The Fly (1985)
Forbidden Planet
Ghost in the Shell
The Incredibles
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)
Jurassic Park
Mad Max 2/The Road Warrior
The Matrix
On the Beach
Planet of the Apes (1968 version)
Solaris (1972)
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
The Stepford Wives (1975)
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
The Thing From Another World
Things To Come
Tron- unfortunately...
12 Monkeys
28 Days Later
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
2001: A Space Odyssey
La Voyage Dans la Lune
War of the Worlds (1953)

i close with a bit of quotes from my sociology of culture class. i'm yanking this idea from the time ilona quoted her philosophy class oh so long ago.

"And he’s gonna pee on them both." Dan, in reference to r. kelly.

"I’m in the theatre first year course, and a lot of them are fuck-ups." Alex

"At Mac, you can blame it on the network, ‘cause it goes down every 7 minutes." Pappas on why he doesn't take assignments via email

"We should have an Aryan race Barbie, a master race Barbie." Alex, when my class was bitching about how they don't like the world barbies. funny hearing it from a bunch of middle class white people.

"I don’t know about that, my dentist was named Candy, but that was more ironic." Rachel

"Someone got shot!" Jake
":O" Dan, this was the day that dan came late two class and missed to episodes of r. kelly's trapped in the closet. yes, my professor showed that pile of shit. and i had two classes with him. so i've seen the whole shitty thing twice.

"I feel bad for your country." Dan, referring to watching a video tape of the drunken antics of judas priest fans before a concert in the 80s. dan, btw, is from singapore.

"Ugh, Southerners." Julia, reacting to the same video

"This is cremation, not rotisserie." Pappas when jack and jeremy were talking about cremating in their backyards.

"She’s a crazy bitch and I hope she dies." Julia; remember that girl who went to high school in cherry hill and sued to be valedictorian and then later we found out she'd been plagiarizing articles and got her admission to harvard revoked? julia knew her, and that's what she had to say.

"In mock trial I made a girl cry." Emma
"Was she crying or mock crying?" Dan; after being in a class with him, i am forever endeared to daniel liu.

ETA: today i realized that if i were to sport some of ni~ya's hair styles i would look like robert smith.

open letters, quotes, meme

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