Today is meh. I had to get up hella early to shower and get to class from NYC. Went to class. Went to a computer lab and finished/submitted a programming project. Went to bell choir practice, then had to perform as part of the music major's spring recitals. Made the same big mistake I always did in practice. Realized the girl to my left is really
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The only Animal Collective show yet planned for this year is sold the fuck out. The $25 are being scalped for $85+ a pop. WHAT THE FUCK. THEY LIVE HERE. HOW ARE THEY ONLY PLAYING ONE SHOW
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So over winter break Is and I re-strung all his guitars (except the classical guitar, because I just do not get enough head from him to bother with that bullshit) and cleaned them and everything. It was cool
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So. I drive to and from school singing Reckoner. It's in my head all the tiiimmmeee-- reeeeeeckoneerrrrrrrr you can't take it wiiiii-i-i-ith yo-u-o-u & etc. See what I mean? I can't post one measly entry without si-- becaaaause we separaaaate it ripples our refleeee-e-eeeectioooonssssss see
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