Sep 12, 2007 21:00
Dear adult women returning to college at CSE,
You are a lot older than me. A lot older than me, or any other average college or even graduate student. I have noticed that all you do is talk about your kids, and when the class started you all noted that most of you were stay at home moms that never went to college in the first place and are doing it for the first time.
That being said, maybe you're a little confused as to how exactly a classroom like this works. I'll cut you some slack for this, but please keep the following things in mind:
It is NOT okay for you to interrupt me (or any other undergrads) when I'm speaking to the class/other students/the professor. You're all grown women, you should know better than to just start yakking when someone else is talking, especially when the professor specifically asked one of us to speak. Don't think I haven't noticed that you don't do this to the other older women/graduate students/generally older students. I have noticed that you all ONLY do it to myself and the other couple of Freshman in the class.
This is not okay. It's rude no matter how old either of us are. I don't interrupt you, you don't interrupt me. And do NOT raise your voice to talk over me when I attempt to finish my sentence, making it clear that you DO hear me, just don't feel that I need to speak.
Similarly, if I am talking to one of the older/grad students (who are all very nice, by the way), it is not okay for you to walk up and start talking to her over me and then ignore me after that.
Taking this a step further, it is REALLY not okay for you to SHUSH me when I attempt to finish my sentence to the professor after your friend walked up and started talking over me in the middle of a sentence. So to repeat: When I am talking to the professor, you do not mosey up and talk over me to get the professor's attention. And when your friend does it, DO NOT FUCKING PUT YOUR FINGER OVER YOUR LIPS AND SHUSH AT ME WHEN I TRY TO FINISH WHAT I WAS SAYING. Bitch, if you do it again, I'm going to tell you where you can stick that finger. You are a grown fucking woman, act like it.
I know that you are all old enough to be my mom and then some. I assume that's why you think that you and the professor are buddies, and that the undergrads are not worth talking to or deserving of a basic level of respect. I'm sure that's why you think that your conversation with the professor or answer to her question is much more important than mine, and I'm just as sure that it's why you feel you have the right to tell me to be quiet after your friend interrupts me. Guess what, bitch? YOU ARE A STUDENT, TOO. And you're a student now because you were too retarded to go to school when you were younger and squeezed out a bunch of kids before you realized it. You are not in charge here, you are a student. Now sit down and shut the fuck up and wait your fucking turn.
Also, the professor is not your friend. She's your age, has kids the same age, and is a VERY nice lady who is very easy to talk to and will never insist that you call her by any titles. But she is also your teacher and similarly, she holds a doctorate in this field. And I think it may have been a little bit of a hint to you when she suggested you call her Dr. [Shortened version of her hyphenated last name] that she did not want you to call her by her first name, nor did she want you to call her "Miss" or anything similar. If you notice, my student ID says "Miss" before my name. Do not call her that.
That young girl you keep talking over who sits across from you in science of food prep/introduction to the profession.