Oct 15, 2007 03:06
Okay, something I have to get out of my system:
People. Stop saying "chemicals are bad for you" or "chemicals don't belong in your body" or any variation of this. Guess what?
Everything is made of chemicals.
You, yourself, are made up of many, many chemicals. So shut the hell up.
And to the nurse in my food science class who muttered loudly while the professor was talking about how Benecol is the only butter-replacement that's been FDA proven to reduce cholesterol: Are you retarded? You seriously sat there and growled about how because it was made of plant esters it was going to give you cancer and "is chemicals" as if that actually meant anything. What more, this shit occurs naturally in small amounts in a shitload of different plants. But it's too unnatural for your head to wrap around, apparently, and is foreign and dangerous and FIRE BAD and whatnot. You're a nurse for fuck's sake, you should know a little bit more about how the fucking human body works than that.
And for the love of god, don't argue with the food science PhD-holding professor about how it can't possibly be good for you because "it's chemicals." I'm sure you thought you had really given her some food for thought when she stopped for a minute after you said that, but what was really happening was that a fuse had shorted out somewhere in her brain because a nurse just said that plant stanol esters would give you cancer. The same nurse that told me that drinking tea wasn't as good as drinking water. Hmm.
I'm tired of the obsession with "natural" and "real" foods/treatments/ANYTHING. Ask most any asshat who makes a show of buying organic convenience foods at Whole Foods if they know what organic means and they won't even be able to tell you. Organic is good. It's standard held up by the government. "All-natural" doesn't mean anything and are weasel words used to imply that something is more healthy and "natural" than it really is, because food and drug companies know that the average consumer thinks natural = good and will reach for that product first. The average consumer also thinks that fat is bad and that you should cut calories and carbohydrates to stay healthy.
Ahhhh why did I get in to this industry.