Sep 05, 2006 12:39
The calm before the storm .
I left for a time, to go where my heart did not wander were I forgot to dream.
I went to a place just off the map everybody goes there once in while.
I saw a good man die a good death.
For all my words there is nothing to say in such moments.
no philosophy is sufficient to the task. There you stand next to what was once a vital being,a man, a father, a craftsman, a king.
In the next moment you stand beside empty clay, an abandoned suit left to hang on the rack and gather dust.
Now all that remains are echos and ceremony,thing made by the living for the living even though we may say otherwise.
There a visible space he no longer occupies,but his echo remains.
I used to wonder why the departed were sometimes called shadows,now I know.
I think the term is inacurate. A shadow is caused by a mass blocking the flow of light, this sensation is like a reversal of that. It is the abscence
of the light he shed unto those people, places, and things that went to form a life. now all that remains of his mass is ashes and those will soon return to earth as do all things.
I have learned the saddest words one being can say to another do not go
where I cannot follow.