The Great Rossi/Reid Fanworks Link List (Part Two -- Fics; LJ Part One)

Jul 12, 2011 13:03


Here’s part two of the

(Nearly) Comprehensive List of Rossi/Reid fics, art, and vids, as compiled by murf1307


Livejournal -- organized by comm, listed in order of appearance


Title: That's the Night the Lights Went out in Georgia

Author: pumpkin_pixi

Summary: "When you're safe at home you wish you were having an adventure; when you're having and adventure you wish you were safe at home."  ~ Thornton Wilder

Rating: PG-13

Warning: Mentions the events of "Revelations"

Link: Here: (

Title: Mama Rossi

Author: murf1307

Summary: Mama Rossi leaves a message on Rossi and Reid's answering machine the day after same-sex marriage is legalized in New York.  Fluff ensues.

Rating: PG-13

Warning: None

Link: Here: (

Title: Nerd Love Poetry
Author: murf1307
Summary: Garcia notices Rossi floundering to express his ~feelings~ for Reid, and decides to help him put a twist on the old standby of love poetry.
Rating: PG
Warning: Extreme, unrepentant nerdiness.


Title: "Stupid, old fool"

Author: dunderklumpen

Summary: Rossi's thoughts

Rating: NC-17

Warning: Also contains Morgan/Reid.  And there is character!death

Link: Here: (

Title: Guy Walks into a Bar

Author: darkhawkhealer

Summary: A guy walks into a bar.  Smut ensues.

Rating: NC-17

Warning: Slight BDSM tones.  There's a collar involved.

Link: Here: (

Title: "The Spirits cited..."

Author: dunderklumpen

Summary: A short scene between Rossi and Reid during 407 "Memoriam."

Rating: NC-17

Warning: None

Link: Here: (

Title: "Snoring"

Author: dunderklumpen

Summary: Rossi is snoring.

Rating: PG

Warning: None

Link: Here: (

Title: Mirror Image

Author: severity_softly

Summary: Dave wants Spencer to experiment a little.

Rating: NC-17

Warning: Also contains (sort of) Reid/Reid.  It's kinky, really kinky.

Link: Here: (

Title: A Species of Madness

Author: severity_softly

Summary: When Rossi finds Reid strung out on the streets, he decides he's going to make sure Spencer gets clean, even if he has to take matters into his own hands.

Rating: R

Warning: This contains Reid on drugs.  And loads of cursing.

Link: Here: (


Author: scarimor

Summary: Garcia plans a costume Hallowe'en party game.  But plans can change.

Rating: PG-13

Warning: contains crossdressing, Garcia/Kevin, Hotch/Morgan, and Prentiss/JJ.

Link: Here: (

Title: Blame Emily

Author: dysperdis

Summary: None given, but essentially, Emily says something that causes Reid to go back to the office, where he meets Rossi.  Smut ensues.

Rating: R

Warning: None

Link: Here: (

Title: Murder at the Profiler

Author: _nextboldmove_

Summary: David Rossi, his partner Spencer Reid, and their friend Aaron Hotchner own The Profiler, a drag club in Washington DC. When someone is murdered at the club, the FBI comes to investigate. But will ‘The Profiler’s’ get to the bottom of the mystery before the FBI does?

Rating: FRAO

Warning: Also contains Hotch/Prentiss.  Includes men in drag.  And there's character!death.

Link: Here: (

Title: Hallelujah

Author: ragcat

Summary: This story is a continuation of a previous tale, "Without Reid," which was a just-this-side-of-crackfic look at the BAU team's reaction to going a whole week without Reid around to ease their tension.  This is the final episode in this series; it tells of what happens between Reid and Rossi.

Rating: R

Warning: Uh, well, Reid's the team's bicycle.  And he likes it.  That's pretty much it.

Link: Here: (

Title: J is for Jumping Ropes

Author: kuriadalmatia

Summary: Part of the "Great A-Z Multifandom Drabblefic Meme" for the prompt J (jumping ropes).

Rating: R (for language, not smut).

Warning: None

Link: Here: (

Title: Any Which Way You Can

Author: amelia_17

Summary: One sentence on every CM pairing I could come up with.

Rating: R

Warning: When she says "every," she means every.  Re/Ro is accompanied by everything from Morgan/Reid to Gideon/Elle to Rossi/Elle to Reid/Ethan.

Link: Here: (

Title: Landlocked Blues

Author: coffeecocktails

Summary: As soon as David Rossi decides he can't stand Spencer Reid and his stupid hair and his stupid face, life conspires to screw with him.  It always does.

Rating: R

Warning: Lots of cursing, references to past drug abuse.

Link: Here: (

Title: Outside, Looking In

Author: timekpr

Summary: Spencer is used to being on the outside, looking in.

Rating: FRAO

Warning: Morgan/Rossi, Morgan/Reid, and possibly M/R/R.

Link: Here: (

Title: Untitled

Author: pwoperagent

Summary: Takes place during "The Uncanny Valley," so naturally chock-full of spoilers.  Reid's kind of a badass and Rossi takes notice.

Rating: FRC

Warning: None

Link: Here: (

Title: "Leader of the Army" a.k.a. F is for Family

Author: kuriadalmatia

Summary:  When Diana Reid dies, Rossi finds himself in charge of funeral arrangements.

Rating: R

Warning: Character death, obviously.

Link: Here: (

Title: Nonlinear Thoughts

Author: welfycat

Summary: There are still times, even after all Rossi has seen and done, that he doesn't have the first idea of what to do.  For some reason, most of those times involve Reid.

Rating: PG-13

Warning: None

Link: Here: (

Title: Daddy Dave

Author: Ragcat

Summary: kinkmeme fill.  No summary given.

Rating: NC-17

Warning: Daddy kink.

Link: Here: (


Title: Summer Showers

Author: dazzleberry

Summary: “The best thing one can do when it’s raining is to let it rain.” - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Rating: R

Warning: None


Title: A Comfortable Mess

Author: dazzleberry

Summary: Maybe, if he was in the same situation but everything else was different, maybe then Dave would have suggested that Reid join him in bed.

Rating: PG

Warning: None



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