The Great Rossi/Reid Fanworks Link List (Part One; Graphics and Vids)

Jul 12, 2011 12:56

Okay, so, I figure it would be nice -- since this pairing has so few fanworks -- to have a comprehensive list of them, and where to find them, with, like, links and things.  Since the pairing's so small now, it'll keep things organized as I try and crusade for more people to love it and make more.  We may not be the biggest ship in the harbor, but we're gonna be running the tightest one the CM fandom has ever seen.  Plus, when I write the pairing's ship manifesto (we'll be the second CM ship to manage that), I can link here and be like, "This is where all of our stuff is, and I will love you forever if you check it out."

It'll be edited as new stuff appears, of course.

Okay, so this has proven to be one hella enormous post, so I’m going to split it up into several separate ones:

  1. Vids and Graphics
  2. Fic - Livejournal part one
  3. Fic - Livejournal part two
  4. Fic -

(Nearly) Comprehensive List of Rossi/Reid fics, art, and vids, as compiled by murf1307


Title: "Counterpoint"

Vidder: DragonLady392


Song Used: "Breathe (2 AM)" by Anna Nalick

Number of Views: 3,418 as of 2 a.m. on 7/7/11

Yes, we legitimately have one vid.  Uno.  Singular.  But it is one of the best videos I've ever seen.  Simply put together, beautiful song, perfectly timed -- this is the barest necessities of vidding made absolutely beautiful.  If you haven't seen it, GO!  I've probably watched it hundreds of times since I discovered it.

Graphics -- Icons, Wallpapers, etc.


First Two Wallpapers: Here (, Wallies 1 and 4.  2& 3 are just Reid.


First Icon Post: Here (, Icons 25-40 and 177-182

Second Icon Post: Here (, Icons 1, 6, 8-10, 12, 15-16, 18-29 and 32


graphics: icons, fan videos, compiliation post

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