Yay! I love this damn fic. Like seriously, love. I skipped my freakin' night class because I knew a chapter had to be coming up soon. Geez. I'm a horrific student. Far to dedicated to my fandom.
At this point I don't even know what to say anymore, except that if this was the only fic I was reading in the entire fandom, if it was the last supernatural fic I ever read, I would be satisfied just to have it and read it and carry it with me. I can't wait until it's all posted, not just because I want to read it all, but so that I can print it off and physically read it, put my fingers on the pages and trace the words... I love how the canon relationship is almost flipped here, Dean doesn't understand Sam's obligations, almost doesn't want to and lashes out because he's afraid for his brother, hates this division between them.
And Sam, Jesus Christ, Sam, he's so strong and yet so tragic, I feel that he's more trapped here even then in Bloodlines, caught between two tides and just trying to stay afloat. I love his dialogue about understanding John's choices now, and how he finally (with the help of Lakwa) begins to make Dean see.
Lissa’s a witch and Pierre, he’s a magician, isn’t he? I bet that’s why he threw his brother’s dick
( ... )
I always want to think about your comment before I reply, because I'm never quite sure how to respond at first without lots of incoherent flailing and trying to render a blush via text.
The boys in this one, man, they killed me. Sam being so stubborn and trying to do the best that he can, doing what he has to -- he tries so hard to be cold and methodical, but that's just not in him, y'know? And Dean wants to help, wants to understand, but he just can't, not yet, maybe not ever. So they're stuck at this point where neither one wants to give in and say anything that means something, until the baron comes along and makes them. I love that this Sam is so cognisant of his father -- John's in this all the time, everywhere, because Sam knows he's become what he hated in John, but now he understands his father better. Dean's seeing similarities as well, and once he actually realises he is, he'll find a better way to approach his brother
( ... )
John's in this all the time, everywhere Yes, exactly! Not that the other fics were exactly similar, and I've mentioned this before but it only gets more true with every chapter, but this story is so independent, it's its own entity and environment and I just can't even deal with how much I love it. I know it's easy to write meaningless compliments, but what I said about this fic, what I'll say tomorrow and the next day, I mean it, this fic has burrowed down and I just know that whatever else I read in this fandom, it will never compare to how this fic makes me feel, how it makes me think.
I know I've said it before, (or if I haven't, I should have done) but I am so thankful that I have met you, and that I found your writing.
This story is, very much, it's own universe even within 5D5D. Part of me wonders if that's because of the length -- all of the others would be wrapping up in the next couple thousand words, while this one's not even half-way posted. Still, it's complex, convoluted, intricate; writing it was almost like watching a dance at some points, because things I thought were little, in the beginning, came back again and again and I never even realised it.
I feel the same way! You are such a wonderful person, and I love your comments so much, but not nearly as much as your fic. I hope you realise I'm not letting you go anytime soon.
You can make it, I have faith! I'm absolutely ecstatic that you're liking it, though. I've gone back and forth with this one more than any other, partly because there's so much depth into vodou and I don't want to get things wrong, or have people take my creative imaginings as gospel truth, or whatnot, partly because it's just painful. I said Sam was 'cold' in this one, before, remember? I don't like Sam to be cold.
RHHHHAAAAAAAAA! Every chapter leaves me wanting for more. *scratches at his screen desperately*
Why isn't Sam explaining things to Dean instead of leading him blind into things? Because that sounds like a recipe for disaster, especially given the number of kills Dean has under his belt.
I keep loving the magic, alien and familiar at once, how it permeates their everyday lives.
By the way, I happen to be one of the dread Parisians, so if Lissa really is French (it's not a very French name), then she'd say "Ne tue personne à moins que tu doives." ("Don't kill anyone unless you must.") or "Ne tuez personne à moins que vous deviez." (same thing, but you is plural, thus including Dean).
I can't help you with the Créole, but I'm at your service if you want any French translations.
Thanks for the comment! Sam is ridiculously frustrating, isn't he? Believe me, I'd love to smack him around a few times.
My understanding of French is very colloquial and based more on an Asian French via Vietnam than, er, French-French (and there's a lot of back-story to Lissa that Sam's not telling Dean. Actually, there's a lot of back-story to Lissa that Lissa's not telling anyone.). Your offer is very much appreciated, though, and I might have to take you up on it!
Comments 44
And Sam, Jesus Christ, Sam, he's so strong and yet so tragic, I feel that he's more trapped here even then in Bloodlines, caught between two tides and just trying to stay afloat. I love his dialogue about understanding John's choices now, and how he finally (with the help of Lakwa) begins to make Dean see.
Lissa’s a witch and Pierre, he’s a magician, isn’t he? I bet that’s why he threw his brother’s dick ( ... )
The boys in this one, man, they killed me. Sam being so stubborn and trying to do the best that he can, doing what he has to -- he tries so hard to be cold and methodical, but that's just not in him, y'know? And Dean wants to help, wants to understand, but he just can't, not yet, maybe not ever. So they're stuck at this point where neither one wants to give in and say anything that means something, until the baron comes along and makes them. I love that this Sam is so cognisant of his father -- John's in this all the time, everywhere, because Sam knows he's become what he hated in John, but now he understands his father better. Dean's seeing similarities as well, and once he actually realises he is, he'll find a better way to approach his brother ( ... )
I know I've said it before, (or if I haven't, I should have done) but I am so thankful that I have met you, and that I found your writing.
I feel the same way! You are such a wonderful person, and I love your comments so much, but not nearly as much as your fic. I hope you realise I'm not letting you go anytime soon.
Yeah, that's all I've got.
Though, if I do, I'm totally going to cafepress and making a paperback of all of these fics, just so's you know >.>
I'm going to try and put them all in .pdf format, one giant file, once this one's done posting -- I actually just started with 'Phantom' tonight.
GAH. This story is just tearing me up!
I love Sam asserting that HE is protecting Dean. I love the twist that Sam is the one killing the hunters, actually SAM himself.
Reading this story in pieces IS HARD. I'm like a junkie! I need another hit Rei!!
Why isn't Sam explaining things to Dean instead of leading him blind into things? Because that sounds like a recipe for disaster, especially given the number of kills Dean has under his belt.
I keep loving the magic, alien and familiar at once, how it permeates their everyday lives.
By the way, I happen to be one of the dread Parisians, so if Lissa really is French (it's not a very French name), then she'd say "Ne tue personne à moins que tu doives." ("Don't kill anyone unless you must.") or "Ne tuez personne à moins que vous deviez." (same thing, but you is plural, thus including Dean).
I can't help you with the Créole, but I'm at your service if you want any French translations.
My understanding of French is very colloquial and based more on an Asian French via Vietnam than, er, French-French (and there's a lot of back-story to Lissa that Sam's not telling Dean. Actually, there's a lot of back-story to Lissa that Lissa's not telling anyone.). Your offer is very much appreciated, though, and I might have to take you up on it!
If you ever want to ask me for a translation, I'm often on yahoo messenger as pillarofthesun.
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