RHHHHAAAAAAAAA! Every chapter leaves me wanting for more. *scratches at his screen desperately*
Why isn't Sam explaining things to Dean instead of leading him blind into things? Because that sounds like a recipe for disaster, especially given the number of kills Dean has under his belt.
I keep loving the magic, alien and familiar at once, how it permeates their everyday lives.
By the way, I happen to be one of the dread Parisians, so if Lissa really is French (it's not a very French name), then she'd say "Ne tue personne à moins que tu doives." ("Don't kill anyone unless you must.") or "Ne tuez personne à moins que vous deviez." (same thing, but you is plural, thus including Dean).
I can't help you with the Créole, but I'm at your service if you want any French translations.
Thanks for the comment! Sam is ridiculously frustrating, isn't he? Believe me, I'd love to smack him around a few times.
My understanding of French is very colloquial and based more on an Asian French via Vietnam than, er, French-French (and there's a lot of back-story to Lissa that Sam's not telling Dean. Actually, there's a lot of back-story to Lissa that Lissa's not telling anyone.). Your offer is very much appreciated, though, and I might have to take you up on it!
Why isn't Sam explaining things to Dean instead of leading him blind into things? Because that sounds like a recipe for disaster, especially given the number of kills Dean has under his belt.
I keep loving the magic, alien and familiar at once, how it permeates their everyday lives.
By the way, I happen to be one of the dread Parisians, so if Lissa really is French (it's not a very French name), then she'd say "Ne tue personne à moins que tu doives." ("Don't kill anyone unless you must.") or "Ne tuez personne à moins que vous deviez." (same thing, but you is plural, thus including Dean).
I can't help you with the Créole, but I'm at your service if you want any French translations.
My understanding of French is very colloquial and based more on an Asian French via Vietnam than, er, French-French (and there's a lot of back-story to Lissa that Sam's not telling Dean. Actually, there's a lot of back-story to Lissa that Lissa's not telling anyone.). Your offer is very much appreciated, though, and I might have to take you up on it!
If you ever want to ask me for a translation, I'm often on yahoo messenger as pillarofthesun.
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