(no subject)

Mar 06, 2005 00:25

Oh, yeah. I had this very odd dream last night. There were maniacal cats...? It was in a place I dream of a lot, except something went wrong. Like (oh, hey! Temptations in my headphones!) when you...I don't know...turn on the shower and expect hot water but out comes cold? Just...an attitude thats inherently wrong.

Anyway, I ended up walking down the street that led from the place to my home, and I notice a few random limbs. It's night, and I think it's strange, but I shake it off and keep walking. And then I see a kitten, and next thing I know, it's teeth are tearing into my arm. And then more come out of the shadows (Midnight Train to Georgia!) and start eating me. And then I wake up and am completely weirded out.

I know I've been reading a lot of Jung lately, esp. regarding the archetypes, but I don't think there's a homicidal kitten expression of any archetype. Of course, I wouldn't be able to recognize it for myself, so...

There! A use for the post, instead of making it completely pointless. Which archetype were the kittens an expression of as they were tearing chunks of flesh off of my body? I'd guess the shadow, but hmm. So. (Otis Redding. I love this song to bits and pieces.) Which archetype?

music, rl, dreams, literary

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