LOG: Mr. K's Classroom

Dec 03, 2009 13:36

Mr. Dreiberg
He's wandering down the hall to his class when he see's Mr. K's classroom door. He feels major guilt over pushing him into the pool, especially in front of students. He knocks.

Mr. Kovacs
Walter comes to the door and hesitates when he sees Dan. He unlocks the door and opens it for him to allow him entry if he so chooses.

Mr. Dreiberg
"Hey there."

He makes his way in, feeling the mood of the room sweep over him. He's never been in here and he isn't sure he feels okay. He rubs his neck and looks at his feet.

"I just wanted to say sorry. I was childish and didn't set a good example for the students."

Mr. Kovacs
Walter grunts a sound of agreement, then moves to the front of the room and pulls out an additional chair, a deep comfortable seat quite unlike the hard plastic chairs that the students sit in. He suddenly feels foolish as he turns to face Dan again, rolling it towards him in offering.

And then he turns his back and retrieves his own chair at his desk. "Neither did I. Wont happen again."

Mr. Dreiberg
Dan sits awkwardly in the nicer chair. "Heh. We must have looked pretty stupid."

Mr. Kovacs
Walter smiles, but only briefly. "Was none of my businesses. At all. Shouldn't have asked from the start. Said anything from the start. Made a fool of you. Fault is mine."

His sentences get more concise and his voice lowers to a deep rasp.

Mr. Dreiberg
He shakes his head, his hands relaxing across his legs. "I should have just been myself. Honest. It not something I get asked every day."

He's clearly nervous about this topic, especially in front of Kovacs.

Mr. Kovacs
Walter looks at him, his eyes narrow slightly, and then he looks away, taking his cup of coffee from his desk. "All the more reason why I shouldn't have asked. Makes no difference. Not a position that you are comfortable in. Should just drop it."

He shrug a shoulder noncommittally, though his interest is piqued... They're still talking about it.

Mr. Dreiberg
"Look, I just really wasn't expecting it from you. And I'm getting used to 'rules' around here. What to say. What not to say. Where to sit. Where to avoid. What teachers not to talk about certain things around. "

Mr. Kovacs
He quirks a brow, looking amused. "Oh? Like what?"

Mr. Dreiberg
He shoots him a glare. "That's what I'm trying to work out."

Mr. Kovacs
Walter frowns. "Don't... Not... Ehnn. Not my place, Mr. Dreiberg. It was I who should have needed to be more wary. Don't..." He pauses, not really sure what he wants to say. His frown deepens, now clearly uncomfortable himself.

"Don't need to filter yourself. Don't care about your..." His brows twitch on his forehead and he takes a long deep breath, his expression and his posture setting. "Doesn't matter."

"Makes no difference between us in our professional lives. Will not happen again. Will not inquire after personal life and habits again."

Mr. Dreiberg
A streak runs through him. A rush of confidence and stupidity and thoughts he wont share. Things he can say. Or do. But he just smiles, being responsible.

"If you say so."

Mr. Kovacs
"Ennk." He tilts his head down, frowning. "What does that mean?"

Mr. Dreiberg
The streak doesn't let go, doesn't shake. He can't quite control his words. "You're too curious."

Mr. Kovacs
"No, I'm not." Walter almost laughs. It's ridiculous. Really, it doesn't matter. "There's nothing to be curious about. I assure you."

Mr. Dreiberg
He nearly smirks, but hides with with a laugh. "Sure. Like I said, if you say so."

"Anyhow, I just wanted to clear up that mess."

Mr. Kovacs
"Good." Get out, he wants to snap at him, suddenly furious. Dan Dreiberg has no idea how stubborn he can be. As far as he is concerned he never has to talk to the man again. Easy.

"Oh," he looks over at him again, "if you ever lay your hands on me again," he thinks back to being shoved in the pool, "..." he pauses, and then considers his threat, letting it die in his throat with a bitter smile. "Would think better of it."

Mr. Dreiberg
He feels like a kid, just playing with his fingers, in a daze, unable to process the words. He gets up and goes, knowing better than to overstay his welcome.

Also posted here.

big!kovacs, big!dan, school, none of that gay shit daniel

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