For/From Tamra

Jan 29, 2006 22:23

Name: Ryan
Birth date: 01/31/88
Birthplace: Monmouth Medical Center
Current location: My bedroom
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

Your heritage: 50% Italian, some German, Cherokee, Irish, English, and other stuff
Shoes you wore today: Brown dress shoes... My sneakers are still soaked
Your weakness: My self-image and doubts
Your fears: Insects, failing, and vaginas
Your perfect Pizza: Chicken and vodka sauce

Your most overused phrase on Aim: Wanna fuck?
Your thoughts waking up: Fuck! I'm late!!
Your best physical feature: eyes and smile, I guess
Your bedtime: Whenever (10PM - 2AM)
Your most missed memory(ies): Curling up by a firs and watching Queer as Folk

Pepsi or Coke: Coke Zero
McDonald's or Burger King: McDonalds, hands down
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lemonade
Chocolate or Vanilla: Swirled
Cappuccino or Coffee: Coffee

Smoke: Not anymore
Cuss: OOHHHHH yea
Single: WTF? Is that a question?
Think you've been in love: How would I know?
Like(d) high school: LO LO LO LO VE!!!
Want to get married: If it becomes legal...
Believe in yourself: Most of the time
Get motion sickness: Only while reading in a car with the windows down
Think you're attractive: Depends on the day
Think you're a health freak: Sometimes
Get along with your parents: Usually
Like thunderstorms: HELL YEA!
Play an instrument: I tried once... and failed....

Drank alcohol: Yes
Done a drug: Nothing that I would get in trouble with the law for
Gone on a date: Nope
Gone to the mall: Yea
Been on stage: No :^(
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: No... I don't know if i could deal with that many Oeros
Eaten sushi: Nope
Been dumped: No
Gone skating: No
Gone skinny dipping: Ohhh, that sounds so painfully cold...
Dyed your hair: Not since November
Stolen anything: Temporary tattoos from my bus driver in second grade... and I still feel badly

Played a game that required removal of clothing: Not that I remember
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Once or twice...
Been caught "doing something": Nope... I'm that sneaky
Been called a tease?: Not to my knowledge
Gotten beaten up: Yes, by 5 black kids from Long Branch...
Shoplifted: Nope
Changed who you were to fit in: Yes, but I am happier now...

Age you hope to be married: 25-35
Numbers of children: Two, I think
Describe your dream wedding: Haven't even thought about it
How do you want to die: Like grandpa who died in his sleep... Not like the rest of the screaming passengers in his car...
What do you want to be when you grow up?: A computer engineer

Best eye color?: Anything
Best hair color?: Not a concern
Short or Long Hair: Mostly anything
Height: Somewhere around my height
Best first date location: Wherever he wants
Articles of Clothing: Nothing

Number of people I could trust with my life: A lot... I'm very trusting
Number of CD's : Two dozen or so
Number of piercings: None
Number of tattoos: Zero
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: Less times than I've done work for it
Number of scars on my body: 4 that I can think of right now, but I'm sure there are more
Number of things in my past that I regret:Zero. My FAVORITE quote: "Do anything, say anything, fuck anything. No excuses, no apologies, NO REGRETS!!"

And THIS is one of those, you fill it out about me. This way, once you do, i can comment back and fill it out about you. Thus, my last days at home will not be filled with complete boredom.

What is my name: Tamra
Where did we meet: At CHS
Take a stab at my middle name: N... um... grrr
How long have you known me: 3.5 years
When is the last time that we saw each other: The 9th of January?
Do I smoke: No
Do I drink: Yes, every day
Do I curse: About as often as I go to church
Do I believe in God: I think so...
When is my birthday: IDK :^(
What was your first impression upon meeting me: I don't remember
Color of my eyes: Green?
Do I have any siblings: Yup, 2
What's one of my favorite things to do: Work out with meeee ;^)
Am I funny: YES MAM!!!
Do you remember one of the first things I said to you: nope
What's my favorite type of music: Not Jazz...
What's my favorite song: IDK
What is my best physical feature: I've yet to see the new you
What is my best non-physical feature: Your warmth
Am I shy or outgoing: Outgoing
Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules: Eh, depends on the
Do I have any special talents: Being Awesome!
Would you consider me a friend/good friend:
Would you call me preppy, average, sporty, punk, hippie, glam, nerdy, snobby, or something else (what): Sporty/Sexy/Nerdy
Do you think I'm attractive: Oh yea
Have you ever seen me cry: Yea, I think once
Are my parents still together: Yup
If I had broccoli stuck in my teeth would you tell me: Yes
Have you ever hugged me: more than once
Do you miss you think I miss you: YEEESSSS, and yes
What is my favorite food: Water
Have you ever had a crush on me: If I liked girls, then I think I would
If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be: No idea
What's your favorite memory of me: I don't have a bad one
What is my worst habit: Skipping school
If you and I were stranded on a desert island, what one thing would I bring: Condoms... JK!!! A cell phone!!
What is the one thing you wouldn't change about me: Your wonderful personality
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