Hands deep within his robes, Regulus paced the length of the common room. His feet were soft but every so slightly audible as he passed by other students, a slight grimace upon his face. He barely noticed as he trampled a small forlorn red pawn from a wizard's chess set into the floor, grinding the base into fine powder with his heel
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She took a break, breathing heavily, true though she was in fair shape, bolting from the Ravenclaw common room near to the dungeons was no easy task, and stairs were this girls mortal enemy. She looked up in time to see a masculine figure proceeding up from the dungeon area.
"You wouldn't happen to know if anyone's still in the potions classroom would you?" Sabrina called out before recognizing the figure.
"I'm not sure, but I doubt it. Want me to come with you and check?"
He had little else to do.
Again she slowly decedended proceeding to the potions room. She looked to Regulus, not having actually spoken to him in awhile. "What're you doing for the Holidays?" she asked casually to make conversation.
"I'm staying here; got a reply to my owl yesterday. My parents are letting me remain, as they trust me to some degree. Unlike my bother Sirius, I haven't offended them."
"I'm sorry Regulus..." Sabrina's voice trailed off. She didn't want to say more in fear of getting the Slytherin angry at her, and at the same time, couldn't think of anything to say to lighten the conversation. That was usually Carrie's forte, not hers.
"Sorry for what? It's a good thing, really."
"Oh, there's no real tension between me and my family. Sirius is the focus of all the tension. It's okay."
She didn't mean any offence, but she thought of her own sister Juliet, sure the girl was a total brat, but at the same time if anything happened between Juliet and her parents she'd be greatly affected herself.
"Let's put it this way, if it affected me visibly I might risk losing touch with our parents as well."
"What was that for?"
Physical contact wasn't a big deal to Sabrina. She always hugged her friends, as a greeting, as a good-bye, but especially when there was a conversation, where words simply wouldn't do the trick.
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