Apr 02, 2014 22:57
Crimefighter, my toyota prius (first gen), is pretty much on its last limbs. The hybrid battery shat out, but its still able to run and drive for now. I just replaced the other battery in it, then they found this other, larger problem, sooo.
Really pissed the shop did 650 worth of work only to tell me the main expensive few-grand-to-replace battery died. Gee, thanks you pricks. And i really liked that shop, too.
And since the car has been in the shop 3 days, ive been working from home. And with all this mess and bus commuting taking forever it has severly dampened my productivity and cloudied up my mind.
So now i get to go car hunting. Sort of exciting except all the cars in my price range are terrible looking. Sort of interested in a corolla. Uh. Fuck man. I really am not in the mood to do this.