Help Japan

Mar 12, 2011 13:38

I'm signing up for the help_japan auction when it starts on Monday, so if someone wants to bid on me to write them a fic please do.

Also, go to this post in help_japan to see how you can donate. If you comment here saying you've donated a few dollars I'll write you a drabble/ficlet of your choosing (see list below)

Alternatively buy one of your friends one of the gift aid LJ v gifts, any charity, comment here and I'll write you something.


I am primarily Kpop orientated now, Mainly DBSK and super Junior, any pairing whatsoever. I will pretty much do anything (wink wink, nudge nudge). I'll give SHINee a go if someone wants that.

Bloody Monday and Haruma/Takeru

Supernatural, but the early seasons only. 1-4

CW RPS + Chris Kane/Steve Carlson


charity: help_japan

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