Title: Baby, this ain't nothing but a thing - Chapter two
Rating: R
Pairing: Mainly: Kyuhyun/Zhou Mi and Yesung/Ryeowook. With a side of: Eunhyuk/Donghae, Kangin/Leeteuk, Heechul/Han Geng and Siwon/His Hand. With a view towards: Siwon/Heechul/Han Geng and Sungmin/Kyuhyun/Zhou Mi. And a veritable pairing free for all somewhere in between.
Warnings: Sexual situations, sexual innuendo, voyeurism, bad language and some violence
Word count: This chapter = 2,762
Summary: Team White and Team black have been pitting themselves against each other for years. They've become too wrapped up in this Spy vs Spy game, too wrapped up in thir own dispute to see the bigger picture. Enter the shadowy Team Grey who have their own agenda and their own way of getting things done.
A/N: In which Super Junior are all Spies and they kind of fail at it. Spy vs Spy AU.
Character profiles Who is in what team |
Chapter one Chapter two
“I like this kind of distraction.”
Heechul’s voice was a rush of breathless static in Zhou Mi’s ear. Zhou Mi winced, he bit his lip and he tried not to think about the sensations thrilling down his every nerve endings at the heat in Heechul’s tone.
“Could you not.” Zhou Mi started to say, his voice cracked and he coughed to try to cover it but Heechul’s throaty chuckle told him the attempt had failed. “Do you think you could…I mean, could you turn off your communicator when you…” He’d meant to say ‘when you do that’ but a low moan, a faint, wanton, needy sound stole his voice away. Han Geng at least had turned off his communicator but Zhou Mi could still hear his soft gasps over Heechul’s ear piece.
“Why, Seasonings.” Heechul purred. “Are we distracting you too?”
Zhou Mi tried to keep his voice clipped, calm and professional-but even he heard the squeak in his voice. Heechul’s low laugh stayed with him even after Zhou Mi had taken out his own ear piece, the one that let him communicate with the other members of his team. He placed the tiny device on his desk, well away from the papers he was working on. He didn’t want to run the risk of crushing or knocking it, those little things were expensive and Zhou Mi was already on his second. Ni Qiu had eaten the first one.
Zhou Mi relaxed, he leaned back in his chair and he looked up at the large flat screen TV mounted on the far wall of his office. The screen was split into four sections, each section showed a feed from one of the many cameras they had installed in and around White HQ. Right now Zhou Mi was watching the goings on in only four locations. The basement laboratory; Donghae and Eunhyuk seemed to be playing with a big gun and for once that wasn’t a euphemism which made for a nice change. The other feeds were of Leeteuk’s office, the main lobby, and the observation room. Though in a building the size and scope of White HQ, Zhou Mi thought they would have at least chosen a better location for the observation room than the Janitor’s cupboard. Really.
Kibum had installed the camera above the door of the observation room so Zhou mi had an almost birds eye view of Siwon’s hunched over form. Zhou Mi could also clearly see the events playing out on the screen that Siwon was watching so intently. Zhou Mi had to admit that when it came to distractions Heechul could be inventive…Also, Han Geng was very, very, very flexible.
Excellent, Siwon would be too busy watching those two to be able to pay attention to anything else that might be going on in Black HQ. Like the research that Zhou Mi would be doing, the research that it was imperative Team White did not know about. Of course Team Black knew all the locations of the cameras that White had installed in their HQ, they could dispose of the intrusions anytime they wanted, but Heechul did so like to turn things like this to his advantage - or mess with people’s heads. It all depended on what kind of mood he was in.
Zhou Mi could see himself on the big TV too. There, in the top left hand corner of White’s wall of monitors. The camera in Zhou Mi’s office had been hidden among the connections on his flat screen, so he was facing it, it was horribly disorientating, this watching himself watch himself. He blinked, shook his head, the tiny image of himself on the screen did the same. There was a three second lag between his actions and the data being transmitted back to White HQ. It was headache inducing so he turned his attention away from the screen and back to the matter at hand. He opened a file that was lying in front of him on his desk, it contained a small stack of pictures. Zhou Mi frowned as he flicked through them, he didn’t like what he was seeing.
The photos were the grainy, distorted images pulled from CCTV, ATM and traffic cameras. Dark and fuzzy though they were, Zhou Mi could still make out the main details - he could just about see the shadowy figure so cloaked in grey that he almost blended in with the colourless background.
“They’re back.” Zhou Mi murmured to himself. “Grey, what are you up to?”
He couldn’t see the features of the men in the photos, but from the different body shapes and sizes Zhou Mi thought that there might be three, possibly four of them. All of the pictures had been taken within a close, almost too close, radius of White HQ.
Zhou Mi didn’t believe in coincidences. Fairies yes, coincidences no.
His phone chirped, a cheerful announcement that he had new email. It was a coded message but it only took him a minute to decipher. A time and a meeting place, it was signed simply - K.
Not Kangin. Dear Kangin couldn’t code his way out of an Armani shirt, which meant…
“Kibum, what are you doing back in Korea already?”
A movement on the right of the TV screen caught his eye and he looked up to see that Kyuhyun was entering the White HQ main lobby. Zhou Mi watched as Kyuhyun was assaulted by his own team member, shot by whatever Donghae had created that morning. Zhou Mi winced. From the cut and fit of Kyuhyun’s shirt Zhou Mi knew that it wasn’t expensive but still, that was a horrible fate for any article of clothing.
Somehow, somehow Kyuhyun managed to make his inexpensive clothes look good. Even if his teams uniform of white on white on white at times made Kyuhyun look washed out and pale. There were days when Zhou Mi thought there should be a Team Blue. Yes, Kyuhyun would look good in blue.
Zhou Mi watched Kyuhyun make his way through the main lobby, he grabbed up the remote and flicked through the feeds, trying to see where Kyuhyun went next. Zhou Mi found him in the men’s room, furiously scrubbing at his tie.
“You’ll never get it out like that.” Zhou Mi murmured almost absently. He watched Kyuhyun’s progress for a while, watched him go into Leeteuk’s office. Zhou Mi liked watching Kyuhyun.
His phone chirped again, another email, this one read ’Hurry up!’ and Zhou Mi remembered that he’d been in the middle of something important. He reached out for his little ear piece, fully intending to tell Heechul what he was going out to do…then he remembered that Heechul was also in the middle of something important right then and Zhou Mi thought that he really didn’t need to hear any more of that.
It wasn’t until he was close to the rendezvous point that Zhou Mi realized he’d left his ear piece on his desk.
Oh well, what could go wrong at a simple meeting between team members?
The meeting point was in a secluded corner of the park. Secluded but also pretty open, a small clearing surrounded by only a smattering of trees. There wasn’t quite enough foliage to provide someone with a lot of cover, maybe, over towards the far end the trees were closer together, one person could hide there. Not that it mattered, Zhou Mi didn’t think he’d been followed. He looked around a little guiltily, at least he hoped he hadn’t been followed. He didn’t see anyone, anyone at all.
Inside the little clearing there was a rickety old bench that Zhou Mi doubted he wanted to sit down on. Next to the bench there was an oddly shaped tree/bush…thing. Zhou Mi couldn’t quite make out what it was supposed to be, it was warped and all at strange angles. Zhou Mi felt a little sorry for it, poor ugly little bush thing.
There was no sign of Kibum. Zhou Mi sighed, and Kibum had the cheek to tell Zhou Mi to hurry up.
Zhou Mi walked a little further into the clearing and looked with distaste at the bench, it was rusted and half crumbling so Zhou Mi did not sit down. The branches of the tree thing rustled, Zhou Mi frowned down at it, there hadn’t been a breeze.
“Shhh,” The bush said. “It is I, Kibum.”
Zhou Mi didn’t shriek. He did not shriek. He would swear in a court of law that he did not shriek. It was a yelp, a perfectly justifiable yelp of surprise.
“Kibum?” Zhou Mi managed to stammer out once he had recovered his wits. He looked at the bush, really looked at it. He couldn’t even hope to see Kibum’s face under all that…stuff, but he did see the brilliant flash of white teeth when Kibum spoke.
“Yes. Shhh, I’m undercover.”
“Yes, but as what?”
Kibum the talking tree/bush thing gave out an annoyed sniff. “That information is classified.” He said stiffly. “Sit down.”
Zhou Mi really didn’t want to sit down.
“No.” He said.
Kibum’s branches rustled again, Zhou Mi took that to be some sort of shrug.
“What are we doing here, Kibum?” Zhou Mi asked him. “Why not just come to the office?”
“Team White has bugged our HQ.”
“Well, of course they have, but you say like that like it means something. This is Team White we are talking about.”
The Kibum bush shrugged again, a non committal gesture. “Grey is on the move.”
“I know that, I did get the file you sent me.”
“Yes, but there have been further developments.” Kibum rustled again. Zhou Mi looked down at the bush thing dubiously, there was an awful lot of rustling going on, Zhou Mi didn’t like to think about just what could be going on in there. Finally a hand popped out from between the branches, a hand holding a photograph. Zhou Mi reached out and took it.
It was another photo taken from a surveillance camera, it showed the arrivals dept of Gimpo airport. The picture was of an almost impossibly cute kid - young man really. The formal suit-grey suit-made him look younger than he probably was.
“Who is this?”
“His codename is The Canadian, there isn’t much else known about him. I caught up with him in Yemen, followed him through Saudi Arabia and up to Eastern Europe. Then he got on a plane and came here.”
Zhou Mi nodded sombrely but he wasn’t sure if Treebum could see the gesture, it didn’t really matter though.
“He doesn’t look all that much of a threat.”
“Don’t be fooled.” Kibush said, his voice was low with warning. “That kid has killed men twice his size. His weapon of choice is violin strings.”
Zhou Mi shuddered.
“What are they doing in Korea? And what does it have to do with Team White?.” Zhou Mi waited for an answer, for Kibum to say something, anything. But all he got was silence. “Kibum?”
“I can’t answer you.”
“I can’t answer you because I’m a tree. Trees don’t talk.”
Zhou Mi just stood there looking down at the strange little man in a bush suit. Kibum was completely insane.
“You were followed.” Kibum said slowly, like he was talking to an idiot.
“Oh…Kelly Clarkson!” Zhou Mi cursed. He wasn’t followed, he couldn’t have been followed. He turned to look over at the section of trees where the greenery was at its thickest and sure enough there he saw a flash of something white. Zhou Mi’s heart beat sped up a notch.
“It’s Kyuhyun.” He said a little breathlessly.
“That’s unfortunate, he’s slightly more competent than the rest of them. You have to get rid of him.”
Get rid of him? Get rid of Kyuhyun? He couldn’t mean…?
“You don’t mean…?”
“You need to get back to HQ, he can’t follow you back.” Kibum rustled again and again a hand popped out from between the branches. This time Kibum wasn’t handing him a photo, he was handing him handcuffs.
Zhou Mi took them, he gingerly held them between finger and thumb.
“And just what am I supposed to do with these?”
“Right.” Zhou Mi huffed. “You can’t answer me because you’re a tree and trees can’t talk.” Zhou Mi moved a little away from the strange little tree man. “You can’t answer me because you are out of your mind.” Zhou Mi said under his breath.
He walked further away from Kibum, away from the bench. He purposely turned his back on the place that he knew Kyuhyun to be. He huffed out a sigh and cursed his luck.
He put the handcuffs in his pocket.
“I know you’re there!” He called out. For a few minutes nothing happened, and then…
“How?” Kyuhyun grumbled as he stomped towards him.
“Your suit.” Zhou Mi said. He turned around to face the younger man. “You’re not exactly wearing camouflage.”
Kyuhyun just glared at him, he didn’t seem afraid. They may have been on opposite teams but Zhou Mi had no wish to fight him, no wish to hurt him. Truth was Zhou Mi didn’t get why they were on opposite teams at all, there should only be one side. They would probably - definitely - do more good if they were all one side, the same side. But things were the way they were and Zhou Mi had a job to do.
Zhou Mi stepped up to Kyuhyun, stood in front of him, leaned in close. Kyuhyun just stood there, almost like he was holding his breath. Kyuhyun smelled nice, he smelled sweet. He still had goo on his shirt though, it sort of looked like marshmallow. Zhou Mi reached out and touched his fingers to the collar of Kyuhyun’s shirt, like he was straightening it out. Kyuhyun just stood there and let him, which was kind of stupid really.
“What are you doing here, Kyuhyun-sshi?” Zhou Mi, he kept him voice calm, even, like he didn’t care about the answer. “Why were you following me?”
Kyuhyun smirked, he shrugged and said; “It was something to do.”
Zhou Mi nodded. “You have something on your shirt.” He said with a small smile. “I thought you would have changed out of it before leaving your HQ.”
“You saw that?” Kyuhyun said, he didn’t sound surprised. “I knew it!”
Kyuhyun looked down at the mess on his shirt, he frowned and started to brush at it which really did nothing at all. It did however, provide Zhou Mi with an opportunity. Quickly he pulled the cuffs out of his pocket and before Kyuhyun had a chance to do anything, before Kyuhyun really knew that Zhou Mi was up to anything at all, Zhou Mi had one of the cuffs slapped around Kyuhyun’s right wrist. The other cuff Zhou Mi fastened to the bench. The bench was half way to falling apart, a few good tugs should break it so Zhou Mi didn’t think that Kyuhyun would be cuffed to the bench for long, but it should buy Zhou Mi enough time to get back to HQ.
“HEY!” Kyuhyun called out to him as Zhou Mi walked away. “Hey, what the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
Zhou Mi stopped walking, turned back and graced Kyuhyun with a beatific smile.
“Don’t swear, Kyuhyun-sshi. It’s unbecoming.” Then he turned away and he left.
He was almost back to the main street, almost back to the road that would take him back to Black HQ, that’s when he heard the gunshot. It sounded like a far away crack, like a firework, but Zhou Mi knew it for what it was and he spun on his heel and ran full pelt back to the clearing, back to where he had left Kyuhyun alone (Kibum didn’t count as company) and helpless.
When he got back to the clearing he found Kibum sprawled on the ground, his tree/bush costume almost in shreds. There was no sign of Kyuhyun.
“KIBUM!” Zhou Mi exclaimed, he ran to Kibum's side. Kibum was only half conscious. “Kibum, what happened.”
Kibum moaned and tried to push Zhou Mi away, it was a half hearted effort.
“Grey’s hitter.” Kibum croaked. “Came out of nowhere. I couldn’t…I couldn’t stop him.”
“Kibum, where’s Kyuhyun.”
Kibum didn’t answer him, instead he just passed out.
“Oh.” Zhou Mi said quietly. He looked around him, looked at the empty clearing. “Oh, oh shit.”
.end chapter two