2014 | Doctor Who S8 + Multifandom

Sep 16, 2014 16:18

25 Doctor Who icons for inspired20in20
38 icons from: Once Upon a Time (29), Castle (1), Penny Dreadful (2), and The Mindy Project (1).





So I don't know how I feel about this set. It seems sort of all over the place stylistically, like a couple different icon makers worked on it at once. Hm. But I was quite keen on the idea of making a set for the new season of Doctor Who because, alas, it has sucked me back in on account of, well, 12. Anyway, if you want to hear me blab a bit more (and also complain a bit because naturally...) about this set, you can click on the spoiler cut below:

01 | NEW SCHOOL | inspired by 'disconnection' and the fact that the majority of the new school icons were quite vibrant; this was also the first icon made for the set, and it is the only one that really turned out the way it was planned. It's been ages since I did anything Who related, and I think my coloring in this set really suffered as a result. Ah well.
02 | OLD SCHOOL | inspired by 'history/pale/vintage' which resulted in using Clara in period costume and this weird, pale monochrome blue with a faded/scratchy textured feel ala this icon from the inspiration post.
03 | NEW SCHOOL | the first of two icons that were also made into Tumblr graphics [12], and also the first of a set of two that were inspired mainly by Centuries by Fall Out Boy. JUDGE ALL YOU WANT; I AM DIGGING THE SONG. Also inspired by the vibrant nature of the new school icons as well as their emphasis on textured compositions.
04 | OLD SCHOOL | born of my coloring frustrations with this set and inspired by the 'classic' feel of the old school icons which is something I associate with clean black and white.
05 | NEW SCHOOL | inspired kind of, sort of, in a roundabout way, by this icon from the inspiration post; went super vibrant with it and kind of used a filter or two plus the coloring itself to emphasize texture in the image without actually using any textures save for one grungy one only on the background. I also added in some random blocking because why the hell not, am I right????
06 | OLD SCHOOL | inspired by this icon from the inspiration post and also my attempt at a more muted style of coloring again. In case it isn't really obvious by now, I do not understand muted coloring. But, again, I TRIED. SO THERE.
07 | NEW SCHOOL | inspired by the emphasis on more complex compositions in the new school icons, the text in this icon from the inspiration post, and also this texture from the inspiration post (except for I made my own copy of it with the shape tool because of reasons). And also I couldn't get away with doing this set without the obligatory TARDIS icon, right????
08 | OLD SCHOOL | Again, I was attempting a more muted variety of coloring, and I was also inspired by this texture from the inspiration post as well as the textured background of this icon, also from the inspiration post.
09 | NEW SCHOOL | I AM REALLY PROUD OF THIS ICON. It was inspired by the coloring in this tumblr graphic from the inspiration post and also the emphasis, again, on more complex, textured compositions. I wanted some shapes as well as some "stars" because both of those elements were present in the new school inspirations, and I also wanted to give blending a go because of reasons. And also Clara/12, but we ARE NOT here to talk about that, hush.
10 | OLD SCHOOL | Very basic. I'm calling this the "cop out" icon of the bunch. It is inspired by the general 'old school' theme and emphasis on more muted coloring, again. And I just needed an icon of the hug so. Not super complicated.
11 | NEW SCHOOL | AT THIS POINT, I WAS STILL SUPER ANNOYED ABOUT COLORING. Seriously. Nothing turned out the way it was supposed to coloring wise. But this was supposed to be inspired by, as you might have guessed, the more vibrant nature of the 'new school' icons as well as the emphasis on more visible texture use in that section of inspirations. Normally I blur my light textures and the like out a bit more so it seems more seamless, but I chose to leave them more visible and texture-y in this case. And eta: special thanks to nightbulbs who is SUPER SWEET and also gave some helpful concrit that helped me revise this icon a little bit. You're the best, Mathilde. ♥
12 | OLD SCHOOL | Again, indicative of my frustration regarding coloring, but after staring at the inspiration post for awhile I decided that a) I needed a muted green icon because the first three or four icons in the old school inspiration are muted green and b) that I clearly needed some muted coloring help which I got in the form of this tutorial by theotherayn who had an icon in the inspiration post anyway so I'm counting it.
13 | NEW SCHOOL | So I really wanted to hit the vibrant qualification on the head at some point because I felt like, in this set, that was sorely lacking (see: me moaning about coloring in almost every explanation up until now), and I wanted something kind of unnatural and sort of "pieced" together like this icon from the inspiration post. So originally I just went with a basic two-toned purple and cyan combo which I liked, but then I decided to just play around with it, replaced the magenta, and BAM! This icon came out. It is deliberately a little on the sharp side to emphasize the...painted aspect, I guess. I wanted a little bit of texture. Pretty happy that I kept messing with this one though!
14 | OLD SCHOOL | This is the second icon that came out of my FOB inspiration. It also has a tumblr graphic [C]. It has the same flower theme as this graphic from the inspiration post, and it again focuses on the more muted spectrum of coloring, kind of inspired by the color scheme of this icon from the inspirations.
15 | NEW SCHOOL | I used this icon from the inspiration post as my guide again and did some silhouette blending that cut faces into levels and also incorporated different levels of coloring as well. I wanted text on this one, but I came up empty with ideas for text and not even font browsing helped me out.
16 | OLD SCHOOL | So this one was another attempt at muted coloring (this time to hit the brown, earth tones that are present in a lot of the inspiration icons), and I definitely think looking around at tutorials and the like was helpful. This was one was partly because I liked the blending in 9 so much that I wanted to do it again and also partly inspired by the text in the gif from the inspiration post.
17 | NEW SCHOOL | Rather clearly this is my fav screencap from this season since this is the second time I've used it. Whatever. It's super pretty. Anyway, I absolutely had to get an icon with text done in Intro (which is in the inspiration post) because obviously. I combined it with the song in the inspiration post (Q.U.E.E.N. by Janelle Monáe) as well as some vibrant and slightly (for me anyway) off kilter coloring.
18 | OLD SCHOOL | Just going off the general old school vibe. Trying something simple but without extracting the subject from the background. Going for muted coloring again which I think was mildly more successful than my attempt in #6 of this set, hah. Also trying for a crop similar to this icon again because I'm terrible at these types of crops so. Practice, practice, practice, as they say in The Swan Princess.
19 | NEW SCHOOL | Kind of doing the opposite of 18 here. Same color scheme but all super dark and contrast-y with bonus! space lighting. Sort of.
20 | ????? | If you've been paying attention to the pattern, you'll know that, logically, this last icon should be an old school inspired icon. And it was originally, but...then I tried to make an old school icon of the Doctor to replace that one because I thought it was boring except the coloring in the icon of 12 wasn't doing it for me and so...I started messing about with it until I had something weird which I wouldn't use as an icon on its own. Which is about when I had the idea to just shove the two boring, not working icons together which churned out this! I'm calling it the marriage between old and new school, and I will fight you on this. The pale color scheme, the subtle grunge background, and, I'm arguing, the ever so slightly implied 'history' make it an old school icon while the composition with the blocking and also the weird coloring/cut out thing I did with the Doctor's coat (idk either tbh) mark it as a new school icon. So. That's it. That's what I'm going with.




We got the beginnings of my attempt at this month's 'Reasons to' challenge at 20inspirations which got derailed by my need to icon Doctor Who, oops. Then we've got ouat_elite entries, some stuff from iconsomething, and then some random stuff that has just been sitting around. Unsurprisingly, it is mostly Once Upon a Time but there's some Castle, some Penny Dreadful, and a bit of The Mindy Project there at the end.








credit is rad. comments are rad. editing and re-posting are the opposite of rad. concrit is super cool. idk. you're probably super cool too. you keep doing you. ♥

tv: the mindy project, tv: dr who, extra: claims, tv: once upon a time, graphics: icon, !2014, tv: castle

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