2012 | Battle results and a mish mash of assorted goods.

Jul 23, 2012 11:21

[80 icons]
The Vampire Diaries
Star Trek XI
Teen Wolf
Thor, Xena
Community, The Emperor's New Groove, Grey's Anatomy, Game of Thrones
Buffy, Jekyll



















[1-7] were made for icon-talk's Anonymous Icon Battle. You can find the rest of my group here. This set was a bitch to complete. For the longest time, I couldn't find anything inspiring about my caps, and the icons only got made pretty late in the game. They are, in most places, more complex than I would have liked, but I was determined to make sure my icons didn't go where they might have been expected to go. Adding more textures than usual was definitely part of that.

[8-32] were made for an icon battle with the ever lovely and super talented genius who goes by the name of justmyb0nes. You can find her post here @ room-6277. Definitely a super fun battle, and I highly encourage you to run--not walk--over to my battle partner's post because her icons are the epitome of gorgeous, just like her! Make sure to leave her lots of comments as well because I need to get to bed, and I won't get to comment on her icons til tomorrow!! ♥

[33-58] were made for a battle hosted by everythingshiny (and there were way too many fantastic makers participating for me to list them all). You can find that round up post here! Super image heavy, but oh so worth it!

[59-61] were made for teenwolf_elite which you should definitely join.

[63-68] were supposed to be for theiconquest, but Adventure wasn't really in the cards for me so...

[69-75] were supposed to be for the last round of 20inspirations; brownie points if you can figure out why the subjects were picked!

And [78-80] are surprise icons that I pulled out of my incomplete .psd folder and finished up. Some (most) are older, but...I thought it might be fun to let them see the light of day, you know.

tv: game of thrones, movie: star trek, tv: xena, !2012, tv: vampire diaries, graphics: icon, extra: icon battle, movie: disney, tv: teen wolf, tv: jekyll, tv: grey's anatomy, tv: buffy the vampire slayer, tv: community

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