Alright, so I really need to do something new with my hair. I have been letting it grow out for a few months now and I've had the same colors in it since June...
I was looking around some sites earlier and found a few coloring/hairstyle ideas that I want your (meaning all of my LJ friends if possible) opinions.
Oh and pre-warning for those with dial-up...A lot of pictures, so be patient.
Here are my ideas so far:
Hairstyle options:
The color on this one is a possibility too...It's not bad.
Now for the color options:
Picture of me (bad, but at least you can see my hair now):
Alright, so those are the things that I've seen so far that looked kind of cool....I'm not sure if they will look cool on me, but it's worth a shot I guess. All of those things are subject to change as well if anyone has any other opinions. So please help me :)