Pre-Vacation Thoughts

Dec 20, 2007 19:14

So here it is the last day of school before the Christmas break. Midterm grades have comeback and I am happy to say I have all A's. A lot of the people in my class always think that I'm smart, but the truth is I work very hard and come to every class. It seems like attendence is a big problem for most of the people im my class. I just always remember..1 class meeting = 1 week of class. So when you miss, you realy miss out on a whole lot of important things. Plus when you miss 3 times your grade drops 5%. My ESP tells me a lot of people will be upset by the end of the quarter.
On a happier subjects I was excited to get a rewards certificate from the place I work, and I was even more excited that I was able to use it since it works the same as a gift certificate. With my discount and rewards I was able to score a new watch for $5.23. It also helps that they are sale for 25% off as well.
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street hits the box office this weekend, and I am very excited. I think this movie will be a crown jewel for Tim Burton, and Johnny Depp. I can't speak of all, but I can't belive Depp has never won an Academy Award for Best Actor. He has been passed up many times for movies such as "Pirates of the Carribean 1 and 2" "Finding Neverland", and "Edward Scissorhands". There are even others that he was nominated for, but has never claimed the prize. I think it is well over due for him to be the victor.
I am going to see this tommorow evening, and would realy like some people to join me. Those of you who are interested, and know how to get a hold of me please do so before I get off work at 730 Friday night.

rewards, sweeny todd, school, class

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