missing brian

Jun 01, 2005 15:27

hey i know i don't put too many entries in here but i am so totally ready to just die.

last month brian told me he didn't love me anymore and that i needed to leave and he got a new girlfriend and stuff...I'm not even going to get into the details of the girlfriend lets just say to make a long story short that she's a homewrecker and no good. Anyhoo so now he barely sees gavin and i am so lost without him. I can't eat i can't sleep i can't hardly even function. Driving in the car makes me think about him, songs, movies, places, gavin, everything... And then he calls me over the weekend and told me that he was confused that he loved me and stuff and now he's saying he needs time to think and that he doesn't know what he wants anymore and he needs me to back off for a while. In the mean time i'm dying inside i can't even make myself pretend to be happy for too long without crying for almost no reason. I just wish brian and i could get back together but even if we want to it's still going to take about a month to do that because of all of our financial responsibilities. Anyways i ain't going to type forever about my broken heart everyone i'm sure is tired of hearing me talk about it.

I hope that i get a job at the airport or that Citi calls and tells me that i can have my job back because i did try to get help. Anyways i will talk to you later and i will try to think positive thoughts...maybe if i keep thinking that brian and i will get back together i will be able to pull through.

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