(no subject)

Jun 17, 2005 02:02

For my AIDS class I've been having to do short journal entries every day after class. Take a look at my sporadically updated lj and you'll notice that writing consistently is not really my thing. So, working on that, and more often the guilt I get from not actually working on it, has pretty much been keeping me away from here. That, and speding all of my free time sprawled on the couch watching my Scrubs S1 DVDs over and over. In compensation, I offer a smattering of randomness and abuse of bullet points.

  • I'm going to see Serenity. OH MY GOD I'M GOING TO SEE SERENITY. So from midnight to noon that day, minus a couple hours of sleep, I was online, ostensibly writing a paper, but really just refreshing obsessively. Then I went to class, and in the fifteen minutes it took to get from my house to a computer on campus, they went on sale and sold out. Some Canadian Browncoats managed to get extras, though, and amazingly, offered me tickets. I almost cried.
  • I watched this movie called The Broken Hearts Club, a gay romantic comedy from 2000 that I'd never heard of before, but it was marginally related to my class.  It was like every tv character had died and gone to slashy heaven. Gay Dean Cain. Gay Zach Braff and his boyfriend, gay Christian Kane. Gay Frasier's dad, gay Owen and Ben from Buffy.  So much fun! Hee.
  • I also saw Madagascar with my brother and sister, which was hilarious.  Kind of thin, plotwise, but the talking animals do amuse. I am easily entertained, and also about six years old.
  • Have been going through S3 of Angel, and gearing up for S4 (it's going to be a marathon, in order to minimize the pain). This is about my fourth time through this season, but the first where I've completely empathized with Wesley, and can see the whole father-will=kill-the-son train wreck entirely from his perspective.  I'm hoping this new appreciation for him will balance out the Fred-obsessed part of him in the next two seasons, 'cause that's a ship I'm never going to get.  The fact that when he first meets and falls for her she's basically like a little girl, and the power he has and continues to exercise over her as her boss, is just weird for me.
  • I almost forgot, The Inside.  Honestly, I've never watched a procedural show in my life.  Not a single episode of doctors/lawyers/police drama.  I liked both episodes fairly well, but neither the characters nor the stories have really grabbed me yet. I have absolute faith in Tim Minear, though, so I'm sticking with it.
  • No post is complete without some extended rambling about school.  I think I'm having a kind of quarter-life crisis. For reasons I don't really need to get into, I feel that, while I'm almost satisfied with my situation, everyone else seems to be getting so much more out of their university experience, which makes me feel like I'm not doing enough with my life and that I'm running out of time, with only one year of school left. I have to register next week, but trying to plan strategically for post-grad stuff is getting in the way of picking my courses. I think I want to go to grad school, because I really don't feel ready to stop being a student and start living in the real world yet, but I'm also not sure I'm really cut out for that much academia. Between first and second term this year my average dropped exactly ten percent, and I'm thinking it might hover in that region, which is on the low end of admisison averages. Also, I'm going to need references, and but the anonymous-student lifestyle that I currently enjoy isn't going to help me any. And there's the small problem of not even knowing what I want to study. Hey, it took me three years to even decide what I really wanted to be doing in undergrad, so there's no way I'm ready for more big decisions. Blearrgh.

buffyverse, movies, school, tv misc

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