the boys wanna fight but the girls are happy to dance all night

May 21, 2005 17:20

Okay, this song kicks so much ass it's almost painful. I picked up the new Garbage and it rocks muchly. I never got into the last album, but the first two are classic and this one has some really good moments as well. It still has a bit of that mid-90s alt-rock feel, though slightly less gritty and darkly aggressive now, so even though it's all new stuff it reminds me of junior high and when I was thirteen and wanted to be Shirley Manson when I grew up. Actually I still think she's pretty brilliant. Garbage was my first favourite band so I'll always have a soft spot for them. Oh, and the album opens with “Bad Boyfriend,” which was featured to great effect in the Veronica Mars finale.

Have been home for about a month, three weeks of which were spent recovering from total burnout by sleeping and being obsessive about certain tv shows, and very little else. This week I started school and work again, so it's been hectic. I'm taking a summer course at U of T that I can get transfer credit for, because the thought of taking a full courseload next fall makes me want to slit my wrists, or drop out and become a kelp farmer in South America or something. The course is Sociology of HIV and AIDS, it's six weeks and superintensive, meaning it's a ton of reading and a ton of writing that I'm already behind on, but it should be pretty good nonetheless.

I'm seeing the Decemberists tonight. Eeeee! The Vancouver show in March was cancelled on account them getting their van and all their gear stolen, so I'm glad to be catching this one. The new album is stellar, by the way.

Finally, icafreak tagged me to do the movie meme, which is a move she may regret when she sees how embarassingly pathetic my answers are. There's a reason why I tend to avoid these. ;) It was fun, though.

1) Total number of films I own on dvd/video:
I own a total of two movies on dvd. This is a collection that doubled in size only this week when a friend of mine gave me Love Actually for my birthday. Movies I have recorded on tape or my computer might bring the count up to… ten or so. My dvd spending money pretty much all goes to tv boxsets. I watch very few movies, unsurprisingly, and I rewatch even fewer. But I find that I prefer the long, drawn-out arcs in tv anyway.

2) The last film I bought:
Yes, that would be Garden State, the *only* film I've ever bought. More on this below.

3) The last film I watched:
An Early Frost, in my soc class yesterday. It was the first American tv movie on AIDS airing on NBC in November 85, but considering I was about a year old at the time, that doesn't really mean anything to me. I'd be curious to know if it did to anyone else, though. The last movie I watched of my own free will was Mar Adentro (The Sea Inside) at the Hispano-American film festival on Thursday. It's a Spanish movie from last year about a paraplegic who's fighting for the right to be euthanized. Gorgeous and heart-breaking.

4) Five films that I watch a lot or that mean a lot to me:.
1. William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Because yes, I was a Leo fangirl at twelve and I was obsessed with this movie for ages before I even watched it. Also, it's so stylized and gorgeous and chaotic.

2. Pride and Prejudice. The BBC version with Colin Firth, which is technically a tv miniseries, but I adore it and as an adaptation it's pretty much perfection. My friends in high school were all about the period dramas, so we marathoned this on a regular basis. Hell, I watched it alone three times last November because it was the only thing keeping me sane at the time.

3. Garden State. I fell in love with the soundtrack long before I saw the movie. This is one of the few that just sucks me right in and doesn't let go until the end. And one of the few that I can watch repeatedly without getting bored. Also, there are too many actors whose roles I can never separate from their public personas or from their previous characters, no matter how much I may enjoy them, but Zach Braff is not one of them. There's virtually nothing of JD in Large, or vice versa, and even though he's calling all the shots in the movie he still manages to disappear seamlessly into his character. And I like that they went with the happy ending, instead of the bittersweet/ambiguous one you tend to expect at the end of your artsy indie films.

4. Fight Club. Is a mindfuck. Palahniuk is kind of brilliant. Don't have time to get into this right now.

5. I'm sure I've missed something essential, and I'm running out of time, so I'll leave it blank for now. If on the offchance it turns out that there really aren't five movies I love, I'll keep the spot for Serenity. ;)

5) Finally, tag five people to do this:
Um. I'm not even sure if five people are reading this. But if you are, and haven't done this yet, knock yourself out.

movies, music, school

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