Feb 13, 2005 03:41
So I stayed up - or rather, dragged myself off the computer and upstairs - to watch Jason Bateman hosting SNL. Dear lord, that was a painful experience, even with the Bateman factor. (And I actually sat through Teen Wolf Too - part of it, at least - when it was on the other day just to see his 17-year-old self, so it's not an unsmall amount of appreciation I have for this man.) Didn't this show use to be funny? Also, was Kelly Clarkson wearing blue spandex pants? I was highly amused, however, that the Will Arnett's truck commercial was aired during one of the breaks. BTW, if FOX is lying about the not-cancellation of Arrested Development, well, things are going to get really ugly.
I flipped back and forth between that and the BtVS ep "Choices", which was randomly on at the same time. And was reminded of just how pretty they all were back then. SMG before she got all emaciated, NB and DB before they got all bloated, AH when she was still cute -- though I've never been able to pinpoint what it is that changed with her and why she looked better before. < /shallow> This had some of the best classic Scoobyage. Faith and her knife, Wesley and his supreme doltishness. The Cordy/Xander banter. I always feel so bad for Cordelia when she's working in that shop and staring wistfully at her dress - even though her losing all her money is hardly a *tragedy* - but now I feel worse about her little jab to Buffy about how she actually has a future. I never thought of this before, but it does seem like all the best character arcs end in death. Or maybe, conversely, that the death is needed to make it a real arc. A satisfying one? Certainly for Buffy in S1, and arguably in S5 as well. Spike, obviously, in S7. And I think the point Joss made about Wesley was that he had simply run out of places to go, by the end, and that it was a logical conclusion. Though I'm pretty sure he would have lived if there'd been more seasons, so I'm not sure that's not just some after-the-fact wankery. Cordelia, OTOH, really had run out of options, but of course the writers have noone to blame BUT THEMSELVES. Yeah, her death is the one that still hurts me the most.
Well, that was a bit of a digression. Also in this ep, The sweet best-friendsy moment when Willow tells Buffy she's staying in Sunndale. Oz smashing the pot and making damn sure they're going to save Willow. Oh, and the scene where Buffy says she's going on the offensive and taking the fight to the mayor, and Giles backs her up on her decision. Even if she doesn't have a plan yet. But... I'm not going to talk about that, because that'll dredge up memories of late S7, and then I'll be forced to slit my wrists and put myself out of my misery.
Last couple of weeks have been hectic, in the midterms, essays, and messed up sleep schedules sense of the word. Also, my bathroom has been infested by ANTS, in a bizarre convergence of the bug- and bathroom-related crises I seem to be plagued with. I did write the first paper all school year that I actually liked, though, it was kind of a socio-linguistic reading of Camus' Le malentendu. Which I'm happy about because it tells me that I've actually absorbed and can apply stuff I'm learning in my majors to other subjects. And now I have an entire week off, and that is very much of the good.
arrested development