as far away as it's ever been

Nov 08, 2004 03:44

So I haven't posted anything election-related, but I'm doing the picture thing here anyways.

It's a shot from My Neighbour Totoro, the wonderful Japanese animated classic that's just one of the most adorable and heartwrenching kids movie ever. I love it to bits. This is what I watched last week when I thought my head would explode from all the election angst, coupled with massive midterm and final paper stress. I'd just finally managed to shake the extreme brain lethargy that's been plaguing me for months, only to be blown away by the aforementioned angststress.

Am all politicked out for the moment, though I will say that I'm glad to have LJ, and thus half a reason to actually care about what's happening in America, other than in a rubbernecking-a-horrific-train-wreck kind of way. And in that same vein, is highly amusing.


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