my life in the D

Oct 16, 2004 00:48

My journal has been so sad and lonely lately in its un-updatedness (ugh, can you tell my brain is completely fried?). Mostly because of one miserable little Social Inequality paper that's completely taken over my life - taken over in the way where i'm getting absolutely nowhere on it so i overcompensate by not working on anything else or doing anything fun, which of course backfires and i end up wasting hours on the computer playing solitaire and surfing the web aimlessly. eep. But, friday = guilt-free destressing. I spent the evening curled up reading Pride and Prejudice and eating chocolate mints and generally being in denial about schoolwork.

Anyways, non-boringschool things i've been doing this week:

* Lost. Go. Fury. Well-crafted and well-written, and that made all the difference to me, really. I miss the ME style - the witty dialogue, the pop-culture references - infinitely more entertaining, and made me realize just how dull the previous ones were in comparison. I'm so glad Joss' writers are out in the world doing us proud, if not the actors... yet ;)

* Speaking of actors... I swung by the set of The Mountain the other day (I was in the area! no, really!) but saw nothing (nobody) of interest. I couldn't bring myself to actually go inside, even though it's just a hotel - in the interest of maintaining my self-respect I only looked in for a few seconds. I am not a crazy!stalker!fangirl! I am not a crazy!stalker!fangirl! (It's possible that I am in denial here).

* Made my first apple pie, for thanksgiving this week. Okay, so I bought the crust part of it, but i'm still proud of myself. ;) Oh, and turkey... mmm...

*Bought a couple of cds, the Garden State OST and the Decemberists' Her Majesty. I've been stuck in the hugest apathetic musical rut for months and months, so it's a huge relief to actually want to buy new music again. Not that revisiting my entire high school collection hasn't been... fun, in a nostalgic and slightly angsty way. Anyways, I'm enjoying both muchly, and really have LJ to thank for both. I've been picking up Decemberists mp3s from all over the place - didn't think much of them at first but they have a way of realy getting under your skin. The recent buzz on Garden State hasn't made me go see it yet, but it did make me check out the soundtrack in-store. I hardly ever buy soundtracks, but I figured it would be good to get a wide range of artists. I think half of my music collection is made up of stuff from the same three bands.

* I love having Wonderfalls back on tv again, especially since the dvds aren't coming out until January. I'm curious to see if they're going to be putting the french tracks on as well, since Caroline Dharvernas apparently did her own dubbing. I'd love to hear her take on it.

random, music, school, tv misc, wonderfalls

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