Jul 30, 2012 07:04
So I have become somewhat obsessed with Hyun Bin... and since he is in the military I have missed seeing him in dramas.... but only 129 more days and then my "hubby" will be out of the service...
Hubby.. HAHA I wish.. but that shall be my nickname for him.
So I have completely fallen in love with everything Korean... Their culture, music, drama's and yes even their men.. lol but honestly I feel more inclined to learn all I can about the Korean culture than I ever did feel with the Japanese. There are a few books that I want to read mainly because I saw the drama's that were made from said books, however for me to read them one of two things has to happen. I either need to learn how to read Korean or the books need to be translated. I think I'm going to have to teach myself Korean lol. So that is one of my goals to learn to read and hopefully write Korean.
Not to much is going on in my life really, Aaron is leaving next Monday (7/6/2012) To go visit his family and to get away. You figure we have been around one another now for 3 years with no real breaks, maybe here and there for a few hours, but not much else. So this is a much needed break before we kill one another, though we are not at that level by any means, sure we fight and argue but who doesn't? I just hope he has a safe and fun trip.
Last Monday 7/23/2012 My baby girl Pepper died. T_T She just turned 9 last month and after the many babies she has blessed us with and her being the way she was she had a long and prosperous life. I will forever miss that kittie. She was more than a pet to me she was my baby, so we buried her in the front yard in the garden this way she will always be near me and be able to do what she loved to do the most, watch over her people.
I think I will wind up making me a nice little layout with some of my fave Korean actors.. =3 and a mood theme too...
Last night I was all psyched up to watch Falling Skies and totally forgot that it was not on. Boo~ Ahwell.
With the Olympics going on all the new dramas that I want to watch will have to wait because they won't be airing until next month.
~To the Beautiful You
~Queen May
And a few more, can't wait. Maybe I will start doing recaps for them who knows, but I am looking forward to them.
Well I guess it's off to find something to do for now.