So. In seven days, it will have been exactly two years since I posted
my first podfic. I've definitely changed myself in the past year - my dress sense has swung towards blazers and dresses, I've picked up a few new fandoms, I've started recording at a slower speed while podficcing - but it is late, and self-reflection meta can be saved for another day.
Instead, I thought I'd kick off a week-long celebration of my second anniversary in podfic fandom with a countdown to my 400th podfic. And for podfic number 394, may I present:
day I go to war, written by
pprfaith, is an Avengers movie'verse ficlet set during the movie (so, yes, spoilers), about the rather fraught interpersonal relationship between Clint Barton and Loki. I just love Loki's voice in this, the way he views Clint in possessive terms - and the way Clint's life-philosophy still carries over, even though he's being operated like a particularly violent marionette.
Clocking in at just over six minutes long, you can download this podfic as an mp3
over here (thanks,
paraka, for hosting me!), or you can stream the story by clicking below: