Here's another 11 podfics, but most of 'em are pretty bitty

May 01, 2012 04:07

Alright, guys, this is going to be the very last post of Amplificathon 2012 (which, according to the time zone chart posted by the challenge mods, technically doesn't end for me until 8:00am tomorrow morning.... but I plan on being asleep at 8:00am, so it doesn't actually give me too much extra time. Oh well.) Same format as yesterday: bunch of stuff all dumped in one place, with potential for my expounding upon any given fic's many podficular virtues to occur at a later date. Got your headphones ready? GO!

Title: Kill Shot
Author: kellifer_fic
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: gen
Rating: PG-
Intro/Outro Music: none

Summary: How Winchesters play laser tag.

Download Link: here

Title: Sharpest Lives (or, here)
Author: MistressKat (kat_lair)
Fandom: Bandom (My Chemical Romance)
Pairing: Gerard/Mikey
Rating: NC-17
Intro/Outro Music: none

Summary: It couldn’t be wrong if Mikey liked it too.

Download Link: here
Notes: This podfic has been recorded for the "no editing" square of my podfic_bingo card.

Title: The Future, Soon
Author: tieleen
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing: gen
Rating: PG
Intro/Outro Music: none

Summary: Post-series. Aren't you glad for last-minute saves?

Download Link: here

Title: The End
Author: ignipes
Fandom: Harry Potter, Discworld
Pairing: gen
Rating: PG
Intro/Outro Music: none

Summary: This is the most obvious HP/Discworld crossover that nobody has yet suggested. Really. *g*

Download Link: here
Notes: This podfic has been recorded for the "read without cues" square on my podfic_bingo card.

Title: Knifeplay
Author: Anonymous
Fandom: X-Men First Class
Pairing: Erik/Charles
Rating: NC-17
Intro/Outro Music: none

Summary: The knowledge that Erik controls the knife flitting over Charles' skin turns them both on.

Download Link: here

Title: The Girly Arts
Author: musesfool
Fandom: Dark Angel
Pairing: gen
Rating: G
Intro/Outro Music: none

Summary: After a long, hard week of delivering packages in the chilly winter rain, there's nothing Original Cindy likes better than a hot, sweet-smelling soak in the bathtub.

Download Link: here
Notes: This podfic has been recorded for the "female character" square on my podfic_bingo card.

Title: Tattoos and Sarcasm
Author: littlemousling
Fandom: Bandom (Panic! at the Disco)
Pairing: Brendon/Spencer
Rating: PG-13
Intro/Outro Music: none

Summary: Brendon's tattoo is meaningful, okay.

Download Link: here

Title: Grace
Author: pprfaith
Fandom: Lord of the Rings, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing: gen
Rating: PG-13
Intro/Outro Music: none

Summary: There is a sense of grace in the way she moves.

Download Link: here

Title: Beauty
Author: pprfaith
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Lord of the Rings
Pairing: gen
Rating: PG-13
Intro/Outro Music: none

Summary: There is a certain beauty to the pounding of a war drum.

Download Link: here

Title: Sight
Author: pprfaith
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Lord of the Rings
Pairing: gen
Rating: PG-13
Intro/Outro Music: none

Summary: She calls him Adar sometimes.

Download Link: here

Title: Motion
Author: pprfaith
Fandom: Lord of the Rings, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing: gen
Rating: PG-13
Intro/Outro Music: none

Summary: There is death in her every motion.

Download Link: here

Title: From Countess To Cabin Boy
Author: formerlydf
Fandom: Bandom (Panic! at the Disco, Fall Out boy, My Chemical Romance, The Hush Sound, The Academy Is..., The Cab)
Pairing: Brendon/Jon, Ryan/Spencer/Jon, Ryan/Brendon/Spencer/Jon, William/Gabe, Mike Carden/Kevin Jonas, Cablings GSF
Rating: NC-17
Intro/Outro Music: "He's A Pirate", by Klaus Badelt

Summary: To be fair, Brendon never truly intends to join the crew of a pirate ship. It just sort of... happens.

Download Link: here
Streaming: none (it's a zip file)
Notes: This podfic is for the "harlequin" square on my podfic_bingo card.

....and now I've got to go make sure I get points for all these, but crossposting to amplificathon. No sleep just yet...

pprfaith gets her own tag, b-i-n-g-ohhhhh, fandom: xmfc, other people's fanfic, fandom: spn, fandom: harry potter, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, podfic, fandom: discworld, fandom: dark angel, there's a girl in my bunk!, amp 2012, fandom: lotr, i made coverart!, fandom: scruffy bandboys love each other

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