I have no idea what to even call this post, there are so many podfics in it...

Apr 29, 2012 23:57

It's the second to last day of Amplificathon 2012, and I am so far behind, it's not even funny. Imagine that you're in a boat, sailing down Funny River, and then you get upset by some turbulence and end up going down Not Funny River instead...and then somehow, you sail all the way to the end of that river, and wind up on the other side, where you'll see a sad little island, upon which I am standing, waving a flag with a frowny face. That's how far behind I am, for AMP12.

Which mean.... PODFIC DUMP! Over the course of the next 24 hours, I'm going to be scooping up all the podfics and bopping them on the head tossing them at this journal, in the hopes of grabbing as many possible points as my miserly fingers can hold (tinypinkmouse is currently kicking my ass like whoa, points-wise, but it's possible I'll still beat her out for sheer number of minutes recorded this round... at least, that's what I'm telling my strangely-competitive soul right now, in consolation).

What does this mean for you, gentle listener? Well, mostly it just means that I'm in such a rush to finish editing those last few podfics squirreled away in GarageBand, or finishing their accompanying covers (Damn you, bessyboo! It's like it hurts a little, now, to post without coverart. I got so much more done when I didn't have to think of things like pretty and relevant images to go along with my podfics..), that I'm going to skip over the part where I tell you why you should listen to me read you a story. I'm going to make you trust my fic-picking skills, or perhaps let you rely solely on coverart (um....bad idea?), or simply make you go read the summary info at the source text, instead. Authors, this has nothing to do with you! You are wonderful people who wrote excellent stories, and clearly your stories touched me in some way, if I wanted to spend the time recording and arting up your fic. Maybe your story made me smile, maybe it made me tear up a little. Maybe you tugged at my heartstrings, or called up reminiscence of childhood joys, or just made me boggle at the sheer scope of your imagination. Whatever it was, you wrote a story that I really enjoyed, and I wanted to share that enjoyment with as many other people as possible. I'm just lazy and feeling rushed, right now, so I can't pay you the individual squeeage you deserve. (If you want to ask me, later, about why I loved your fic, I'd be happy to tell you. Just, not until at least the end of the week...)

Title: As good as you get
Author: airgiodslv
Fandom: American Idol Season 8
Pairing: Adam/Kris (Adam/Drake, Kris/Katy)
Rating: PG-13
Intro/Outro Music: "Tease Me", performed by Ke$ha

Summary: Kris Allen is a tease.

Download Link: here

Title: Mary's Son (Cast Lots Upon Goats Remix)
Author: ignipes
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: PG-13
Intro/Outro Music: none

Summary: This is the man Sam Winchester was always meant to become. (Remix of What Happens To a Dream Deferred, by britomart_is.)

Download Link: here

Title: Process Stories
Author: musesfool
Fandom: Supernatural, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing: Sam Winchester/Buffy Summers
Rating: PG-13
Intro/Outro Music: none

Summary: "You've been holding back," Buffy says. "That's okay, though. So've I."

Download Link: here

Title: If You Can't See Where It Keeps Its Brain
Author: jedusaur
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: gen
Rating: PG
Intro/Outro Music: none

Summary: The Sorting Hat has its own agenda.

Download Link: here (with singing), here (without singing)

Title: I Woke Up In Love This Morning
Author: reni_days
Fandom: Bandom (Panic! at the Disco)
Pairing: Brendon Urie/Spencer Smith
Rating: NC-17
Intro/Outro Music: none

Summary: He was hazy, half-asleep and incredibly comfortable and still half-lost in the most amazing dream.

Download Link: here
Notes: This podfic is being used to fill the "record sleepily" square on my podfic_bingo card, and was beta-listened-to by a fantastic quintenttsy (though I didn't actually make the change she suggested, after all... I tried! It just didn't sound the same, after.)

Title: Five Reasons Xander Harris Hates Pete Wentz
Author: lovelypoet
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Bandom (Fall Out Boy)
Pairing: gen
Rating: PG
Intro/Outro Music: none

Summary: If the Bandom'verse and the Buffy'verse all occupied the same 'verse, this is exactly what would have happened.

Download Link: here

Title: The Sum of His Parts
Author: kellifer_fic
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: gen
Rating: PG
Intro/Outro Music: "Satellite Heart", performed by Anya Marina.

Summary: Some said those boys were so wrapped up in each other, it was like they were one person.

Download Link: here
Notes: This podfic has been recorded as part of the cakehole_club (Round One: Close Quarters) challenge

Title: red, red, gold
Author: pprfaith
Fandom: Iron Man, The Avengers
Pairing: Tony(Tasha)/Steve, Tony(Tasha)/Pepper, Tony(Tasha)/Rhodie, Tony(Tasha)/everyone
Rating: R
Intro/Outro Music: none

Summary: Her name is Tasha Stark, and you won’t break her.

Download Link: here

Title: Ku'ia ka wawae
Author: chandri
Fandom: Lilo & Stitch, Hawaii 5-0
Pairing: gen (notes of Danny/Steve preslash)
Rating: PG
Intro/Outro Music: none

Summary: Steve was, honestly, minding his own business.

Download Link: here

Title: People Who Repair Quantums, or Five Planets The Enterprise Never Visited
Author: ignipes
Fandom: Star Trek Reboot, Dune, Alien, Star Wars, Discworld, Doctor Who
Pairing: gen
Rating: PG-13
Intro/Outro Music: none

Summary: "So you're a drug-addicted messianic cult dedicated to drinking your own distilled urine so your descendants generations down the road can grow palm trees. How's that working out for you?"

Download Link: here
Notes: This podfic is being used to fill the "action/adventure" square of my podfic_bingo card.

So that's that for now. I'll be back in a few hours with more for you to listen to..... And, sorry in advance for spamming your flists, folks ;-)

fandom: avengers, b-i-n-g-ohhhhh, other people's fanfic, fandom: st-xi, fandom: adam and kris are also in love, fandom: discworld, amp 2012, fandom: iron man, i made coverart!, fandom: scruffy bandboys love each other, fandom: disney, pprfaith gets her own tag, podfic, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, fandom: harry potter, fandom: spn, there's a girl in my bunk!, fandom: doctor who

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